Everybody Talks

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Lucy Pov

High school hadn't changed at all since last year. To them I'd always been the biggest nerd. I transferred here for freshman year. At first I was reluctant to go in my baggy uniform and fake big glasses with a stack of books, but the result of dressing like a nerd payed off as no one noticed my presence. Usually people would turn to look at me and automatically start gossiping. Back at my private school I was very popular, very noticeable, and privacy wasn't a familiar thing to me.
That was, until I came here. Now as I walked through the crowded halls, I went unnoticed except by Mira, Levy, Erza, Wendy, and Juvia.
Lisanna and her clique didnt like me and sometimes gave me and my group hard times, but we weren't really bothered by it.
Now it was my second year here and I regrouped with Levy and the others. Erza and Mira were elected co presidents of the student council and were doing a very nice job. They were fairly popular but not like Lissanna and her clique. Levy and I worked in a club called Fairytail, which was the idea of Mavis Vermillion, a friend of Mira's and the Principle, Makarov. (sorry if I spelled that wrong, any FT fans feel free to comment if my spelling is off plz)
Eventually I found my way to class and took a seat towards the back. Students poured in one by one, including Levy, followed by Lisanna, and one more popular, Natsu. In fact he's the one who first invited me to this school.
I still remember that day. I had run into the forest behind the big mansion my father and I lived in. I was upset with him, with what people at school were telling me, and I was upset with myself for letting it get to me. I had foand a weeping willow tree on a tall hill and hid within its branches. Unknown to me that someone else was there, I let myself cry. A hand on my shoulder startled me, and being the eighth grader that I was I jumped up and dried my tears quickly. When I looked at who was there. Expecting to see a house maid or bittler my dad hired, I was surprised to meet eyes with a boy my age with salmon colored hair hand oynx eyes.
"Why are you crying?" he asked. And something about him made me feel safe somehow as I explained.
"Why dont you come to my high school, we'd love to get new people," he invited me. And That's how I ended up here. At Magnolia High.
Natsu's and my friendship ended shortly after freshman year started as he went back to his old friends and to his popularity.
After that I made new friends and was declared a nerd by Lissanna, who was unaware of my hidden happiness. I had finally found people who liked me for me, real friends, who cared about me.
I snapped out of my thoughts and memories as the bell rand and the teacher entered the classroom, telling us to go to the back of the class.
He started telling people where they would sit.
I listened as he called names until he got to the middle of the classroom and called my name. I took my seat as I heard quiet whispers and laughter. Levy and Lissanna both had been assigned seats so I knew I wasnt sitting with either of them, but Natsu hadent gotten his seat yet. As the teacher moved to the empty seat beside me, I crossed my fingers hoping anyone but Natsu sat there.
"Natsu Dragneel," he called out. Damn it. I thought, awkwardly glansed at him, just to find out he was already looking at me.

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