Wake Up Call

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  Lucy Pov

   I opened my eyes, blinking away my blurry vision as my head pounded. I rubbed the side of my head were the ball had struck me, silently complaining on why this has to happen to me. Rolling over, I sat up on the edge of the cot, finding myself in the nurses office. Not that I was surprised.
  I stood, momentarily dizzy, and let it pass before walking over to the nurse, who gave me an ice pack, then sent me on my way to 6th period.(by the way lunch is in between 4th and 5th period)
  I reached my classroom soon enough and casually walked in. I let my pass on the teachers desk and walked to my seat, catching someone's eye as I sat down. Natsu was looking at me, before silently mouthing the question,  are you okay? I nodded and turned my head to face the front, resting my head on my hand. Something in me knew that if I let him get close to me again ,like that summer, I'd regret it. The risk of losing someone else was to great a risk for me. 

  My mind wandered to before I passed out. How did I end up in the health room? Who found me? Automatically my brain pulled the image of Natsu, leaning casually on the lockers across from the gym door. Had he been watching us play?  Probably not. But then, why was he there? Uggghhhh. What is wrong with me? He was probably waiting for Grey. 

  I let the memory pass into the one right before I lost consciousness. I was falling, expecting to hit the hard floor, my vision failing me miserably, but instead, was caught by my shoulders. Just like that, I was out. The next thing I know I was waking up in the health room.  I didnt know who caught me, but I wanted to know.
  I wonder if it was Natsu... I shook me head. I doubt it. Sixth period was gone soon enough and I was walking out of school. The clouds looked grey and heavy. Whish ment ill probably be walking in the rain. I lived about 5 blocks down from school so I hoped I would make it to my house before it started raining when something dropped on my head. I looked up. Another drop hit me in the face and just like that- it was raining. Just great. I reached for my pocket where I stored my umbrella to find nothing. I squatted down and franticly dug through my bag, but my umbrella wasnt there. I stood up, as the rain was now poring down. I decided I didn't care, and started to walk.
  Half way down my street I was already drenched and shivering.
I lokked down at my feet, hugging my torso and wishing I had some method to keep me warm when suddenly I ran into someone. In an instant I found myself on the ground and whoever I ran into fell right over me. Well shit. I thought looking up at the person I ran into. My eyes meet a familiar pair of dark eyes.
  "Fancy meeting you here," he said, still on top of me. I only glared, it was Natsu. I didn't have anything to say to him. He stood, offering me a hand up. I took it, still looking down. "Your drenched." He pointed out. I nodded.
  "My house is just down the street here we can get you cleaned up and dry clothes for you there." He said. I shook my head, but Natsu grabbed my hand and pulled me along side him anyway.
  Soon I found myself infront of the bathroom with a purple sweater and black sweatpants.
  "Do u mind if I take a shower?" I called over to Natsu.
  "Go for it," he answered.
  "Thanks!" I replied, walking into the bathroom.
  Soon I finnished my shower and stepped out, and looked for a hairdryer which was conveniontly placed in a cabinet under the sink. I blow-dried my hair and put on the clothes Natsu lent me. I didnt bother putting on my glasses, instead I wrapped my clothes around them and walked out of the bathroom.

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