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*Niall P.O.V*
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered over the phone. "We mean we don't want you to live with us anymore. It's too stressful. We tried to build a relationship with you but-" Justin got cut off by Eli. "But nothing! You are sorry excuses for parents! You can clearly see Niall is not okay and you just wanna kick him out!? You should be the ones feeling guilty!! You should be the ones who need to apologize! You forgot about him and you think this will help!? Don't fucking worry about it!! Niall will stay with me!!! Don't call him! Text him or me or my family! That goes for all of you! Liam, Louis, Harry, etc! Were coming for his clothes now you bitches! Bye!" She yelled and hung up the phone. I felt so sad that the wanted me out. What did I do wrong? How did this happen? I don't like them but still. "Hey! You did nothing wrong. Its there fault. Don't blame yourself blame them. And lucky for you my dad went on a business trip for a couple months and he likes you. Ill call him to see if you can stay here ans if he denies ill make him. Its fine. Everything will fall into place. Ok?" She said. I nodded and she hugged me. "C-can I talk to my brothers still?" I asked. "As long as you keep it a secret. I want Zayn and Justin to think you cut off all contact. I think that will open there eyes. But if not it just proves that they are unfit as parents." She said hugging me tightly. "Thank you. I love you soo much. Thank you." I said kissing her cheek and shedding a tear. She let go and wiped my tears. "Be strong ok? So now I have to go convince my dad and get dressed so eat and watch tv okay?" She said. I nodded. She walked upstairs leaving me with a kiss on my lips. I love her so much! My girlfriends awesome!
*Liam P.O.V*
I was coming from the kitchen and into my room when I overheard dad's and papa's convosation. "We want you out." I heard someone say. "W-what do you mean?" I heard Niall stutter over the phone. "We mean we don't want you to live with us anymore. It's too stressful. We tried to build a relationship with you but-" pap got cut off by anothee voice I assumed was Eli. "But nothing! You are sorry excuses for parents! You can clearly see Niall is not okay and you just wanna kick him out!? You should be the ones feeling guilty!! You should be the ones who need to apologize! You forgot about him and you think this will help!? Don't fucking worry about it!! Niall will stay with me!!! Don't call him! Text him or me or my family! That goes for all of you! Liam, Louis, Harry, etc! Were coming for his clothes now you bitches! Bye!"Eli yelled and then the phone hung up. I heard papa crying but I was angry at them for wanting Niall out. "It was the right thing to do. Now he won't effect us anymore." I heard dad say. I walked in the room. "What did you do?! Why do you want Niall out!?!? What did he do!?!" I yelled furious at them. "Calm down Li. We did it for the family " dad sais getting off the ned ans coming to hug me. I pushed him away. "No! You did it for yourself! You don't like him! You want him out! We abandoned him and you think it's okay to kick him out!?! If he a kickes out than so am I!! I want want to live with you!" I yelled. "You can't leave LiLi." Papa said sniffling. "No! I can. Watch me!" I said walking away only to get turned around and punched in the face so hard I fell to the ground. "You see what happens when we talk about him?! We fight and people get hurt!! Just forget about him!!! I'm so embarrassed that I even adopted him!!" Zayn yelled. "How can you love this?!" I yelled at justin. He turned his head. I got up and punched Zayn back causing him to fall on the bed holding his face. "Zaynie!" Justin yelled and helped him up. "I'm embarrassed to call any of you my father!!" I yelled and ran out. I ran to my room and packed my bags. Harry and Louis walked in and saw me. I told them everything. How Zayn didn't want Niall anymore and how Justin doesn't care. We all agreed to go live in a hotel close to the school because we couldn't stay there anymore. We added up all money and had it was enough for 1 room with 3 beds and 2 baths for a couple months. We packed our stuff and got going. We took my car even though those scumbags bought it. It was in my name. On the way I had Louis text Niall to tell.him our plan. God I hope he's ok. Please be ok. I love you Niall. I'm sorry I didn't help you.

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