Its going down!!!!

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* Drawing Louis is looking at. Will make sense if you read on.*
*Niall P.O.V*
When I got home from my ( I think you can call it) date. I went to my room to find Louis looking at my pictures. "W-what are you doing?!" I yelled. Louis looked up at me and smiled. "Just looking at your amazing art work. I would have called to ask permission but you were on a date." He said cheekily. I sighed. "There awful." I said sighing and grabbing some and throwing them away. "Oi! No there not." He said grabbing them and holding them tight to his chest. "Why are you in here?" I asked taking out my pjs. "Well my girlfriend Haley(dreamMrsHoran) wanted to meet Eli. Also Liams girlfriend Tina (tinabug123) wanted to meet her aswell. So could they like have a girls day and we have a guys days? Plus harry?" He asked. I sighed. It is really go to her. But if she says yes I do not like Harry. I just don't want to be around him. But Eli would say to be nice and try with him so I will. "I will call her tonight and ask. But its all up to her." I said. "Thanks mate. Could I keep these drawings?" He asked holding up the like I threw in the trash. "Sure. Now leave please." I said while pushing him out my room. I closed my door and locked it. I then took my clothes and proceed to shower. I'll just call her after my shower.
*Eli P.O.V*
After deciding that I love Niall I ran upstairs to my room. Like I really do love him. But I won't get my hopes up and fall even deeper into this relationship. It just official started today so I'll keep them hide n for a while. I grabbed my clothes for my shower. Just some plaid boxer shorts with some black jogger shorts and a black sports bra and black tee. I then put them on my bed and go into my shower. I showered and then heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw Niall wanted to face time. I declined for face time and out a regular call because of my situation. "Why no face time?" Niall whined through the phone. "I just got out the shower. And in the process if getting dressed." I said putting in my clothes. "Hurry. I wanna see my girlfriend and not just hear her voice." He whined. "Just tell my why your calling. I know somethings up." I said putting on my last piece of clothes and turn my face time on. "Yay!! I called because Liams girlfriend Tina and Louis's girlfriend Haley wanted to meet you and have a girls day. If that's okay." He said staring at me. "Well. I would like that. Just not tomorrow cause I want it to just be me and you. No one else." I said laying down on my bed. "I feel the same way. So i'll tell him tomorrow. But what would you like to do tomorrow?" He asked. "Shopping for new games and sneakers." I said real fast. "Okay. When should I pick you up?" He asked. "Well we have school tomorrow so after I go home and change and shower would be fine." I said. "Okay. We get out at 2 so ill pick you up at 3:30?" He asked. "Sure. Its getting late so ill call you later." I replied. "Awee. Okay. Ill just wait until tomorrow to see your beautiful face. Love you." He said. I gasped a little but I don't think he could tell. He said it first. "Love you too. Goodnight." I replied flustered. "Goodnight queen." He said and I hung up. He said it first. Oh my gosh. I almost died but were cool now. I put my phone on the charger. Grabbed my teddy bear. (Yes I still sleep with a teddy bear don't hate.) I cuddled up into him and smiled. "Can't wait till tomorrow." I said while closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
( I updated!!! Finally I found time and the right state if mind. Even though its 5:40 am and I usually am trying to sleep. I updated for you.👆I hope you enjoy it. I will try to update again but its hard with all these things going on around me and me being thrown into the middle. But I will deal with it. Until next time. *grabs chicken, french fries and drinks and gets ready for anime marathon.* yeah I watch anime don't hate.

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