What the hell happened to Niall?

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*Zayn P.O.V*
Niall just came home and blacked out. I went to pick him up and shook him. I picked him up bridal style and notice blood stains near his bum. "Justin take the kids upstairs." I said sternly. He nodded and told him to go upstairs into there room to eat. I placed niall on the couch on his stomach. I pulled down his pants and saw he wasn't wearing only boxers and and bleeding. "Justin. Stay with the kids. I gotta take Niall to the hospital!" I yelled picking Niall up and running out the door. I placed Niall into the passengers seat and got in the drivers seat and drove off. I pulled up to the hospital and got him and ran inside. "Help! My son is bleeding from his !" I yelled. The doctors came running and took him from me and started puting him on a gurney and going farther into the hallway. "Is he gonna be alright?" I asked trying to  follow him. "Sir. You have to stay here and let them do there jobs." The nurse said. 3 hours later the docotor came out. "Niall ?" He called. I stood up. "He is gonna be fine. He lost his virginity to a rough guy. Maybe more than one. He is awake and tramatized. He also doesn't eat as much as he should. You need to get him eating on a daily basis. You just need to let him know he is loved and comfort him as much as possible." He said. "Okay. Can I see him?" I asked. "Yeah. Room 702." He said and walked off. I ran over to the room and saw Niall was curled up in a ball crying. "Hey babe. It's fine. No one is gonna hurt you." I said walking over to him and tried touching his shoulder and he yelled "Please don't hurt me!! I'll do what you want!!!" Then curled into a tighter ball. "I won't hurt you babe. I'm your dad. Remember?" I asked. "My dad's don't care about me. So I know you aren't one of them. Who are you?" He asked. I looked shocked. Of course we care. "I'm your dad babe." I said. He looked shocked and looked up at me. "Why are you here? You're missing Harry's game. Go support him." He said still looking down. "I'm here because I love you and care for you." I said. "You don't have to lie." He said looking down. "No im not. I promise." I said holding out my pinky. "No! You're lying! I'm a no body! No one can love me! I'm better off dead!" He yelled pulling hair and punching himself. "Babe! Stop!" I yelled trying to grabbing his arms to stop him from hurting himself. He keep screaming and slapping himself. "Help!!" I yelled. Doctors came in and pushed me out. "Sir you have to leave." The nurse said. I groaned and walked to my car. I went back home and saw everyone on the couch. "Dad?! Where were you?" Louis yelled and ran and hugged me. "I was at the hospital with Niall." I said. They all gasped and Louis let go. "Is he alright?" Liam asked. "No. He- he was raped and we don't know by how many people." I said sobbing harder on each word. Justin can and hugged me to calm him down. "What do you mean Niall go raped?!" Louis yelled. J calmed down a little to speak. "He went on a walk and sometime during that someone raped him. He is in the Mary Jane hospital 5 blocks from here. " I said. Louis ran out the door and I assume to the hospital. "What happened?" Harry asked. "We can talk about it later. Just get some rest." Justin said. Harry was about to scream out but Liam whispered something in his ear and he walked upstairs. "Promise me we will talk about this tomorrow?" Liam said putting his pinky finger out. "Yes Liam. I pinky promise." I said slightly chucking and locking our pinkys. He went upstairs and Justin took me to his room. He striped down to boxers and so did I. "Jay? Can you hold me?" I asked. He was shocked cause the only time I ask is when I'm sick which is very rare. "Sure Zay." He said. I smiled a little as we got into bed and he held me. I started to cry and he held me tighter. "It's okay Zee." He whispered sweetly into my ear. He continued whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I feel asleep. "I love you." I heard him say. "Love you too." I said on the edge if sleep. I wonder what's gonna happen to Niall.
(Hey guys. Tomorrow i have to go on a 2 hour car ride with my mom to my sis graduation. I will probably update a couple times out if boredom to be prepared. Until next time. *starts packing snacks* * Is out if chicken so crys*😢😢

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