Can we start over?

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*Niall's P.O.V*
Harry's here. At my door. Knocking trying to be let in. I don't want to let him in but I mind as well say yes before something even worst happens. "Come in." I say still laying on my bed. I grab my phone at the last minute before he comes in my room. He walks in and closes the door bit stands right at the door with his head down. I go into my drawing app and see what pictures need to be worked on. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. "Sure. I'm listening." I said with a straight face and clicked on a pic and started touching it up. "I need your full attention please." He says looking up now. I groan a little and put my phone down. "Talk." I said looking at him. "Well. I don't though if its true. And I hope it isn't. But do you hate me?" He asked. I was shocked but didn't show it. I didn't like him but I couldnt hate him. Myself would never slow those words to come into my thoughts. "No. I don't like you the way you are now but I don't hate you." I said. "Why? After all the stuff I did and said to yiu! Why don't you hate me? I hated you for not being a real big brother to me and thats when I resented you and wanted you to die! All because you ignored me and treated me like I wasn't there! So I did the same to you! But I realized it was wrong because I didnt know the real reason you did what you did. But I hated you and after all I did and said to you. You don't hate me nor resent me the way I do you. Why?" He yelled/talked. And his eyes filled with tears as he yelled and got angry. "I don't hate you because your my younger brother. I raised you when mom and dad wouldn't! So don't sit here and say you don't understand why I can't hate you! I can never hate my own flesh and blood! Zayn and Justin however aren't! I can't hate them and resent them all i want! It didn't hurt when they rejected me! It hurt when you did! The brother I begged people to help because I thought had died! The brother I gave all the food I could find to keep alive! And you expect me to hate you over neglection?! You lost your mind if you ever think that. I love you Harry. Your my little brother. I can never stop loving you. I don't care if you hate me. Resent me. Want me dead for all I care. I doesn't matter. I still love you and at the end of the day. Were still blood brothers and you can't change that and never will!" I yelled and tried to walk out the door but he grabbed my arm pulling me back. I turned to him and he engulfed me in a big hug by gripping onto my shirt like if he let go he would die. Crying and sobbing and getting snob on my shirt. Trying to say he's sorry and he loves me through sobs. I hug him back and try to calm him down. "I'm so sorry Ni Ni! Forgive me!" He says through sobs. "Its fine. Its okay. Calm down. Shhhh." I said as I rub his back in attempt to soothe him. Then I remember rocking him back and forth helps him fall asleep. I remember because when he was a baby and he wouldnt stop crying. Mom beat me in order to shut him up so I rocked him and he fell asleep ever time. You see she would try to hit him but I wouldn't let her. So she would give me the beatings and then tell me to shut him up. I guide him to the bed and shit down. I get him on my lap and rock him. His sobs slowly go quiet and he loses his grip on my shirt and I soon hear soft snores coming from his mouth. I pick him up and walk to his room. I have difficulty opening the door but I get it open. I walk to his room and place him on his bed. I go to leave but he grabs my wrist. "I love you." He says sleepily. Like he will drift off any minute. "I love you too." I say and kiss his forehead. I take his hand off my wrist and walk out. On my way to my room I see Zayn there looking at me horrified. "Did you hear?" I asked. He nodded. "Good." I said going into my room getting my phone and hoodie and walking out the house. I need to cuddle Eli.
(Last update of 2017. If any one has ideas on Eli's take on Nialls actions please let me know. Ill give you credit. Sorru for the long update I have been going through alot lately. Lets just say mom and dad drama. Anyways the next update will be Jan 2 or 3rd hopefully. Until next time. *grabs juice and chips. Turns on Netflix and cuddles up*)

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