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*Louis P.O.V*
After taking Niall's artwork and running to my room I decied to ask Harry what the thought of Niall. I put the drawings on my desk next to my mac and left for Harry's room. I knocked on his door. "Who is it?" I heard him yelled through the door. "Louis!" I yelled back. "Come in!" He yelled back. I come in to see him scrolling on his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Scrolling on Instagram. What do you need?" He asked looking up from his phone. "What do you think of Niall?" I asked. He tensed up at the mention of Niall name. "He's.... Okay I guess. Why?" He asked putting down his phone and giving me his full attention. "Just because it seemas like you too have thick tension and your brothers so I want to break it." I said. He seemed to look uneasy. Like he was about to explode. "Well. I don't hate him just don't like him. Is there anything else?" He answers. "So he's basically in the middle? I'm just wondering if anything happened between you two. And tell me the truth." I said looking a little serious. I was trying to look concern but enough serious so he would guve up the answer. "Fine. I don't like him one bit. He's just so... him. He doesn't talk to anyone and hes just so plain ane boring and I hate him. I just wondered why he was here in the first place. I wish he would just disappear. He never paid any attention to me when I did like him and he does talk to me know about why he did it. That's why I hope he dies!" He let out in a scream. He just exploded and is now breathing heavily. "Ok. I still don't understand why you hate Niall. He has done nothing to you. Maybe you think he didn't pay attention but he did. You never know why he did all those things until you ask. If you did you would get somewhere. He didn't talk before because hes afraid of rejection. Maybe you never thought of that!" I yelled and stromed out his room. He can't blame him for something he thinks happened.

*sorryyyyy I finally updated before school do be proud. I sacrificed my safety for you guys😭😭😭😭😭.*

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