Can you try for me?

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*Niall P.O.V*
I woke up to El cuddled up into my chest. I smiled but them realized that she saw my cuts. "Your fine." I heard her say. "What?" I asked. "I used to cut as well. But you need to stop so im gonna help you." She said and looked up at me. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." She said and sat up. "Hungry?" I asked. She nodded. "Come on princess. Let's get some food." I said standing up. "Carry me?" She asked doing puppy dog eyes. I groaned and placed her on my back. She smiled and kissed me cheek. I blushed and ran down the stairs and started making us some oatmeal. I made apples and cinnamon because that is the best one ever. "Thank you Ni." She and and kissed my cheek again. I blushed again and started eating. Harry, Liam, and Louis came downstairs and Lilo got some food while Harry just stared at my chest. "Problem?" I asked. "Wh-why?" He asked looking like he was gonna cry. "None of your business." I said. He started to cry slightly and ran back upstairs. I assume to go tell Zayn and Justin. I groaned and went back upstairs and put on two shirts. A short sleeve on and a long sleeve one over it. I went back downstairs and saw Zayn and Justin sitting there. I went over to the couch and El came over as well and sat on my lap. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I don't want them to know. But I guess Harry already told them. Little-" she cut me off by covering my mouth. "No cursing. But if they find out just tell them why so they leave that subject alone. They just want to repair the relationship you guys once had." She said. "But they-" she cut me off again but this time with a kiss on the cheek. "Promise me you will try." She said holding out her pinky. I sighed and linked my pinky with her's. She smiled. "Niall can you meet me in my room?" I heard Zayn ask. I looked at El and she nodded. I groaned and she got off my lap and I went to there stupid ass room. I sat on there bed. I do not care if I am suppose to or not. I  do not care. Zayn and Justin came into the room and sat down next to me on the bed. "I need you to take off your shirt." Justin said. Straight to the point I see. I took off my long sleeve shirt and kept on my short sleeve shirt. "This one too." Zayn said. "Why?" I asked. "Because we want to know if it's true or not." Justin said. "It is true. I cut. Anything else?" I asked. "Why?" Zayn asked on the verge of tears. "Because I was told that I do not deserve to live. I believed them and now I am seeing that I do deserve to live. Can I go now?" I asked. "We aren't finished here. But yes. We will talk later tonight." Zayn said. I got up and went downstairs and went to the couch. El was watching TV so I laid my head down on her lap and smiled. She looked down at me and smiled. She kissed my forehead and continued watching TV. I really like her. I am planning on taking her on a date soon. I have to ask Liam and Louis for help though. This day has gone from good from bad and now it's becoming awesome. I love and hate parts of my life.

(Sorry guys. I got grounded and did have any technology. I dont know how i lived.😢😢😢 But im back now and I will try to update as regularly as possible. Okay bye now.)

The forgotten oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن