Im here for you

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*Louis P.O.V*
After dad told me Niall was in the hospital I ran so fast I thought I was the flash. I ran inside and went to the front desk. "Niall Mieber please?" I asked a little nervous. "Room 702. He is stable but is terrified." The lady said. I nodded and ran off to find the room. I found it and saw him curled up in a ball crying. "Niall?" I asked slowly walking toward him. He looked up at me and slowly stopped crying. I saw him with red puffy eyes and my heart melted. "Babe? Can I hug you?" I asked. He looked  confused. "What's a hug?" He said still sniffing. I was shocked. This boy has been neglected by his family and has been raped and doesn't even know what a hug was. "It's when I wrapped my arms around you a squeeze you a little so you now your safe." I explained. "B-But Luke and Calum said I would never be safe. Simply because I am worthless and useless and have no place in this world. Which I don't get because im here for a reason and now my reason is to take whatever they give be because I deserve it." He said. I started to cry a little. "Babe? Listen to me. You don't deserve anything you got from those jerks. I promise I will protect you." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "Bu-But you need to protect Harry and Liam. I'll be fine." He said. "No you won't. I will. I promise." I replied. The look on his face says 'i wanna believe him but he's gonna break me again'. I wish I could have stopped this.
*Niall P.O.V*
I wanna trust him but I can't because he will break me. I can't deal with being even more broken then I am. "Nialler please let me in? I wanna help you." He said crying a little. "I wanna but your gonna hurt me again." I whimpered. "I promise I won't. Just give me a chance?' He begged. I sighed. "Okay. But please don't break me? I can't deal with another." I whimpered. "I promise okay. Just let me help you." He said. I nodded. "Can we start by telling me what happened?" He asked. "I-I" I stuttered and started to cry. He put his arm around me. I assume this is a hug because it made me feel safe. He sat on the bed and pulled me on his lap. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear to make me fall asleep. I was about to fall asleep when I heard. "I love you Nialler. I'll fix this. I promise. I love you." "I love you too lou lou." I said above a whisper then I fell asleep. I hope he keeps his promises. Just hope.
(Dont shoot me. I said I was gonna update last weekend but didn't. So to make up for it i'll update 4 or 5 chapters this week. Until next time. *runs away to watch Empire*

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