Helping Ni

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*Niall P.O.V*
After getting beat by Harry 15 times in football I gave up and went inside. "Ni go get changed and be down in 30 minutes. Where going to Nandos for lunch!" I heard Zayn yell. "Yes sir!" I yelled back and ran up to my room. I took a quick shower and put on some clothes.

After I got dressed I went downstairs and saw everyone waiting for me. "Come on. Let's go." Zayn said sounding mad. I put my head down and followed them to the car. I sat in the back by myself because I did not want to worry anyone. I ended up falling asleep. I was awaken by someone shaking me harshly. I opened my eyes and saw a angry Zayn. "Come on." He said and walking into Nandos. I followed behind. We got a table and I sat between Zayn and Liam. Liam ordered me french fries and 5 grilled chicken. (Dont know if this is really there but it will be today.) I ate 1 half a grilled chicken and some french fries. "Eat more." Zayn said. "I can't" I replied. "Can you just try babe?" Justin asked. I sighed and finished 1 whole grilled chicken and all my french fries. "Eat more Ni." Louis said. "I can't." I replied. "Your gonna eat it for dinner then." He responded. "No. He's gonna eat it now." Zayn said. "I can't. My stomach hurts." I said looking down. He leaned down to my ear and said "You will eat it when we get home." "Yes sir." I replied quietly. I kept my head down and did not say anything so no one would be mad at me. We got home and i was on my way to my room when Zayn grabbed my arm and pulled me to the kitchen table and put my food in front of me. "Eat." He commanded. "Dad he'll-" Louis started to say but Zayn cut him off. "No! He's gonna finish it now." He said looking at me like he wanted to hit me. I started eating and stopped when there was 3 grilled chickens left. "I can not eat anymore." I said quietly. "Yes you can. You will!" He yelled. "Babe? Just-" Justin said but got cut off by Zayn. "He's gonna eat it now." He said sternly. "Just let him eat it later." Justin said stepping up. "My stomach hurts." I said. "Shut up and eat the damn food!" Zayn yelled. I was about to respond when I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I looked up and saw Zayn smacked me. "I'm so sorry." He said looking gulity. Louis tried to come and hug me but I ran out the door. I ran away to my park. This is were me and Harry used to come when we were younger.

*Flashback to 7 years ago*
"Come back here you filthy animals!" My "dad" yelled at me and Harry. I was bigger than Harry so I took the hits. We maybe twins but I was always more mature. Right now Harry is on my back unconscious as I run to the park because thats the only place I know of. I got there and sat him on a bench. "Hazzy please get up." I said crying. "Hazza! Don't leave me!" I yelled while crying. I heard foot steps coming my way. "Hey. What's wrong?" A man asked. "My Hazza not waking up." I said trying to calm down. Another man came up and tried to touch him but I hugged him. "Do you want us to help?" The man with the black straight hair said. I nodded. The guy with the black hat on walked towards me. "You have to let him go bub. I promise we will help you." He said. I kissed hazza's head and let him go. The one with the hat walked to a car while the one with black hair picked me up. "Are you gonna hurt us?" I asked. "No. I promise we will help you." Blackie said. I nodded. He put me in the car and put something around me and put Hazza on his lap while hat started moving the car. After a few minutes we got the a big place. "What's dat?" I asked. "It's a hospital. There gonna help your Hazza ok?" Hat said. "Otay." I said. Blackie grabbed my hand and hat ran inside and yelled "HELP!!" Alot of people came and took my Hazza away. "Mister? Where is he going?" I asked blackie. "He's gettind fixed. What's your name?" He asked. "My name is Niall Horan and my hazza name is Harry Horan. What's your names mister?" I asked. "Well my name is Zayn and my friend over there is Justin." He said. A guy with a white jacket on was talking to Justin then came over to me. "Hi. My name is Dr.Johnson.Do you know what happened to your Hazza?" He asked. I nodded. "Can you tell me?" He asked. "But mummy and daddy with get mad and hurt me." I said looking down. Zayn lifted my head up with his finger. "No one will ever hurt you again. I promise." Zayn said. I smiled and told them. That was the best day of my life.
Zayn broke his promise. But from that day Harry had amneisea. He did't remember anything so Zayn and Justin adopted us. Our parents got life in jail. I sat on my bench and cried. I just cried because no one wants me. I'm just a fuck up. I need to say sorry. I need to prove to them im sorry. Do you think I have to get beat up again? Or even kill myself? I don't know what i'll do yet but i'll do anything. I fell asleep on that thought.
(I updated. Yayyyy. I will update tomorrow. Be aware. Please comment if something is wrong. Until next time. *Puts phone down to go eat food.*

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