Chapter 20

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Today Savannah and I had to wake up extra early for the festival. I was in the bathroom when I thought ; shoot Aiden still in my bedroom and I needed to get my clothes. Maybe he's still asleep so I  can sneak up to my wardrobe and take an outfit. What am I talking about? It's not like his havent seen me with just a towel around me. But that was when we were together I guess.

I walked into the bedroom and Aiden was still asleep. Thank goodness. I opened my wardrobe and searched for something to wear. I decided I should go for an open back, peach coloured playsuit.

"Hey sexy," Aiden smirked.

I jumped in shock and squilled running back to the bathroom. I had to hold my towel so I wouldn't embarrass myself if I had totally dropped it on the way.

I wore the dress and brow dried my hair. I grabbed the curler and decided for a beach wave hairstyle. I put an  eyeliner and blush.

"Ready?" Aiden asked me

"Yup." I looked at the mirror one last time.


It's been 2 hours that I've been giving these strangers kisses. Don't get me wrong they were only pecks on the lips that had to last for 10 seconds every ticket they buy. I must say they were really hot, sexy ones too.

It was Savannah's turn to do it because  it was my break time. I felt the buzz on my phone. unknown number?

unknown: Hey can we have lunch today if your not busy?

It was probably Aiden since he got a new sim today.

me: sure. where to?

unknown: Maybe over at Wayne's diner?

me: I love that place. Sure be there in 5

unknown: okay. take care.

I sat in the diner while I look at the menu. I ordered a drink while I waited for Aiden. I took a sip of my lemon lime bitters, mmm my favourite, and checked my messages on my phone.

Savannah: Kill me.

me: You put yourself to it.

I giggled at her text. She was the one who volunteered.

"Finally I was ----"

I looked up with shock feeling but I tried to hide it. Anger and annoyance filled myself and as I was collecting my stuff and stood up to walk away but he grabbed my arms and held it tightly.

"Give me chance to talk. I need to ask questions." he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

I looked at his big blue eyes for a while. It was filled with sadness and confusion.

"Fine. 10 mins Max." I snapped sitting back down.

He sat down opposite of me and was holding his hands. I could tell he was nervous but I can't pretend everything was back to the way it was. He looked up at me again.

"How are you,?"  he asked.

"We got that out the other day. Your wasting my time. Just say what you need to say and ---" I snapped.

"I miss you." he interrupted.

I looked at him my eyes widened and I think my heart stopped beating for a second. I can't fall into that he had someone else.

"Hm. Got sick of the other one? Kristen was it?" I said bitterly.

"She was just a distraction. I hoped she was the one to make me forget you." he said calmly. I could tell he went every word. I knew him too well.

"forget me? why..?" I needed to ask.

"You were happy. You still are with Aiden and I'm really happ--"

"I didn't get back with Aiden? " It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"But you said.." he was so calm.

"No I didnt..." I said in confusion. What the hell was going on.

"Stop playing jokes Cindy." he snapped. My eyes widen and his did too. Mine was shocked his was anger. He was getting fustrated I could see it.

"I'm not." I said simply and seriously.

"You emailed me! You said you were happy with him. Now tell me you didn't do that?" he said angrily.

"Don't shout at me. I hate when you do that." I said getting angry with him as well.  "I said I was spending time with him not being with him,"

"No you didn't. I'm pretty sure I know what I read. I read it hundreds of times!" he snapped.

"Henry!" I shouted.

We both looked at each other. Everyone in the diner easily looking at us as well we must've been talking really loud.

"Sorry," he said as he pulled me out of chair, " let's talk outside."

I followed him at the back of the diner. We couldn't talk at the front because it'll give us more attention.

"What do you mean you didn't write that?" he asked.

"I didn't..." I paused for a minute, "I never got back together with Aiden. You should've told me you were with...her."

"I thought you wear with him. I love you Cindy, I still do but it hurt me when I received that."

"I asked for your number because I have lost my phone and got a new one! How'd you get my number now?"

"You said never to call you again. Shane gave it to me. She thinks we should work this out." he said.

"I never said that! I waited for you to reply and I even sent you letters!" I yelled. I was so fustrated.

"I never-----" he paused and looked at me. He now had the scariest face. He only had the face when someone was trying to flirt with me or hurt me. "Fuck! Kristen!" he yelled furiously.


I went back to the kissing booth when Henry went back to his office.

"How's break?" Savannah asked me.

"Great," I said sarcastically. "Let's go home."

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