Chapter 19

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"You know, I'm right here if need to talk." Aiden whispered from the floor.

I don't know why he was laying down there maybe I was in a badmood through out the night after seeing Henry and all. Should I tell him? I felt the tears filling up my eyes. It was hurting so badly my heart was hurting.

"Im just happy for him..." I said with my voice shaking.

He jumped up and played in my bed. He probably noticed I started crying. I felt shit even more now that he might think I'm some kind of freak. He gave me a hug but didn't say a word.

"He said he would wait." I sobbed my face facing his chest and tears running off my face and into his shirt. "Maybe I got my hopes up too high. And they say when you do..... all you get is disappointment. "

"Maybe he had a good explanation," he started. Why is he taking his side? "Try to sort it out."

"I can't! He's happy where he is with that chick and I dont want to ruin it." I snapped.

I shouldn't be angry at him. I knew better. But when I get angry I tend to be angry at everyone else. I could feel his hands tight around me. I knew he was being very good friend trying to comfort me. I just don't know if I can ever talk to Henry normally ever again. I wanted to but I know I can't.

I wanted answers. Why did he give up so easily? What did I do wrong? Why didn't he tell me he was sick of me or he wanted to break up. I had to find out through Facebook his status being in a relationship with Kristen Walton.

I felt my eyes being soar and swollen up. As I blinked more my eyes seemed to get heavier every blink. I was still trying to catch my breath but I wasn't sobbing like I was before. I finally calmed down. I let sleep take over me. It would feel better without me thinking about everything and just sleep it off.


I looked at my clock that was sitting on my bedside table. It read 11:30 pm. I noticed Aiden wasn't next to me anymore. I grabbed a pair of clothes and went down stairs. I wore white shirt with a v neck and denim short that was fit on me.

Savannah and Aiden were chattering along while having breakfast.

"Guess what!?" Savannah cheered as she saw me coming down ghetto stairs. "We are volunteering for the festival tomorrow!"

"I don't remember volunteering." I said confusedly. What has she gotten us into. She loves these kind of this. Knowing Savannah she would be game for anything.

"I kind of gotten us into it..." she said nervously at me. Before I could speak she yelled, "It's for a good cause! The money we raise will be given to charity!"

"Yeah, She's going to kill you." Aide commented.

"I'm listening..." I trailed making myself a cup of coffee. If it was for charity I'd do anything.

"It's......" I turned my smile into a frown. Why is she nervous? It's something I'm going to hate is it? We better not be scooping up horses shit.

"Kissing Booth!" Aiden shouted before her.

"Aiden!" Savannah yells back.

"Sav,  are you serious?!?" I was in shock.

"There was nothing better," she commented.

"No! I'm not going to kiss some RANDOMS Lips!!!"

"you never know you might meet someone," She added.

Is she trying to convince me? There's no way it's going to work! Maybe Henry comes along and you know this will give me an excuse to... No WAY!! I'M NOT DOING THIS.

"pweseeeee."  she begged.

I rolled my eyes as I took a bite out of my toast. "Okay."

"YIPPEE!!" she cheered.

"I'll be there," Aiden teased.

"Ewe. no way I'm kissing you!" Savannah said in disgust.

"Like I'm going for you! I'd rather kiss a horses asshole for sake than you." he teased back.

Savannah just rolled her eyes.

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