Chapter 5

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[Yeah.. I do swear a lot and sorry for the language. ]

It has been 3 weeks since Henry and I saw each other. I started to wonder what was going on in our relationship. It took me everything to stop myself from calling him I didn't want to be so clingy and everything. My mum has been convincing me to go to Harvard in NY but it still didn't want to leave everything here. I have been hanging around Natasha a lot since Shane went to her grandparents house for 4 weeks to visit. Tasha is a party girl who makes me go out every night and drink. She drinks until she can't stand up anymore and ends up cuddling the toilet bowl. I use to be far worse than her and she barely drank but now I stopped and she got more addicted. Maybe it was my fault since I use to tease her being joy killer. Now I still took shots but I knew my limits.

"You know I like you better when you weren't with Henry," Tasha teased, "You use to love parties and booze!"

I use to be a party girl and got drunk every 2nd day or so but that was before Henry and I were together. He use to be wild too getting all the chicks but when it became officially us we would rather sit at home, watch movies and eat pizzas. We do go clubbing sometimes with friends but we would not get drunk like we used to. I guess you don't really pay attention with booze when your distracted with something.

Just then Henry's face popped into my head. I missed him. I could barely sleep these past few weeks because he wasn't sleeping beside me or send me those long, cute and random txts before bed. I should give him a call to see if he's doing okay. I crave for his touch, smell,warmth and his presence. I didn't think I'd missed someone this much.

beep.. beep..beep... the phone continued making the sound.

No answer? What the hell? Has he found someone already? Does he not want to talk to me? What the hell. Or maybe something bad has happened to him or something. I should go over his house to see if he's okay or need help with anything.

I told Tasha that I was going to go home because I wasn't feeling well. I drove straight to Henry's house which was intown which made it a quick trip from the club to his.

The driveway didn't have his car in it. Where could he be? My eyes filled with tears as many thoughts went flying into my head. Can he be with someone else? Is he over me?  I should just go home and just trust him that he will explain everything in a phone call I'll receive tonight or tomorrow night or God knows when.

I opened that door to my bedroom and there he stood. The love of my life carrying a dozen red rosses and he had put beautiful petals on my bed and some on the floor. Tears streamed down my face. I quickly jumped into his arms as he caught me like I was as light as a kid. I hugged him and he held me tighter. Emotions inside me were going crazy! Butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing.

"Oh Henry. I am so sorry! I am so sorry for everything. I love you so much you mean the world to me and..." I cried.

"I should be sorry Cindy. Being such a coward not making any connections with you for 3 weeks I was a shitty boyfriend and you needed me and I just walked away.." Henry startled he had tears running down his face too but not as much as mine.

"No! you have been the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and I'm such a bitch for telling you all those things." I continued.

I gave him a kiss and OMG it was a kiss like we kissed for the first time. I loved him so much. But I always took him for granted. Maybe it was right that being separate for couple of weeks was right, it finally woke me up. The guy of any girls dream was infront of me and anyone else could've had him but I was the lucky one to have an amazing boy in front of me.

I started kissing him so deeply that it felt good and tempting. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He leaned me against the wall but he didn't stop kissing me. His hands were on my ass and it started going up on my back. The gentleness of his hands gave me goose bumps on my skin. I wanted more! I wanted him inside me. He began kissing my neck so pationately as well as sucking my skin. OMG he was so good at this. I unwrapped my legs around his waist so I too was standing infront of him. He did not stop at what he was doing. I was craving for his touch. His shirt was very thin cotton so I ripped it open. His 6 pack was very visible and his arms were buffer than I last noticed.

"Have you been lifting again Mr Smith?" I asked him sexily as I bit my bottom lip and gave him a slutty wink.

"I was actually, for my girlfriend. I didn't want to look hot for her," he teased.

I laughed, "Well we better get this over and done with before you "girlfriend" comes home."

"We can take as long as you want princess," he played

He carried me all the way to my bed and played me there, he was now on top of me. I smiled at him while he stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Did I ever tell you, that you're really gorgeous?" he said sweetly.

"All the time," I giggled. I wrapped my legs around his body and grabbed his neck so I can kiss his lips away.

"You have condom?" I asked.

"Uh shit. No..." he trailed.

We both looked at each other. We did do stuff but we haven't had the chance to do it because I wasn't ready for it and I wanted it to be special.

"Henry, are you serious? What guy doesn't keep condoms in their wallet or something?" I asked

"I didn't think we would actually do it. I mean I would've thought we would do it like next years or the year after that." he said.

I realised when those words he just shot out of his mouth. 'I would've thought we would do it like next year or the year after that." He was willing to wait for me? wow he really does love me and respect me.

I smiled at him and he looked at me blankly. I opened my drawer of my bedside table and showed him the condom I had. He looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Are you sure you want to have sex with me?" he asked looking deep into my eyes.

"I couldn't imagine my first being being with anyone else," I assured him.

He gave me a kiss and grabbed the condom in my hands and put it on.

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