Chapter 8

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Cindy's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock that I had set that night. I got up enthusiastically and went to have a shower.After I finished cleaning myself; I wrapped my towel around my body and went back to the bedroom. Henry was still laying down sleeping. I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at his face.

"Seriously? It's my big day and your still sleeping? Get up! Get ready I'm going to be late," I whined.

He let out a loud growl and headed to the shower.

We sat quietly and waited for the assistant to call us to come in the office. Henry was falling asleep on hks chair.

"Henry!" I nudged him, "Stop you have to look good, I don't want them thinking how sloppy and unattractive we look."

"Sorry babe, I'm just really tiered," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at him and he sat up straight and fixed himself. The lady called me to enter the room. I felt my stomach was about to drop as I heard my name. I was so nervous my hands began to sweat. oh no. My legs were too weak to stand me up.

"You'll do great," he kissed me in the forehead, "you'll be the best. Just be you and they will love you."

I entered the room and sat on the chair in front of the principal.

"Good-morning. My name is Florencia. What do you think of our campus?" the principal asked.

Oh God her first question. I didn't want to stutter or stuff this up. Just stop over thinking Cindy and ask the damn question.

"It's very good," I started, "Even though I havent had time to look at everything but it's wonderful."

she smiled the asked , "I see. How do you see yourself in 20 years?"

"Hopefully, I see myself as a successful lawyer, attorney. I will try to get to that stage. I mean I'm very positive that I will see myself like that. I want to make my parents proud."

"Your parents? Is it their decision for you to study law?"

"Actually it was mine. I have been drying to become a lawyer since I was about 13. I watch the TVs series Suits and I got caught up. I really do want to be one." I said positively.

She had more questions than I thought. We were sitting down and talking for a few hours.

"What does your parents do?" She asked after a couple of questions.

"My mother is a doctor and my father is a business man." I respond

More question kept running through her mouth and I kept answering them hoping my answers don't seem dumb.

"Well that's it for today." she smiled then stood up to shake my hand.

"Thank you so much ma'am. It has been great," I replied shaking her hand firmly.

I went out the window and saw Henry with his head leaning on the wall. He stood up and smiled at me.

"How was it?"

"Great actually, let's go have lunch."

After we had lunch we walked for a while to enjoy our stay ingredients NYC. I went into girl shops and Henry didn't even get two shits even though how ridiculous he looked. I laughed at him every time he walked inside with me. We got home at around 11:30pm and got ready for bed. Henrys body was aching so I gave him a massage. He did the same to me.

"Ouch! you're pressing on my back too hard!" I complained

"Sorry," he giggled.

we both didnt have clothes on so we could put oil on our back. It felt so good that I feel asleep as he was still massaging my back.

Hey guys thank you so much for reading (: I'm trying my best to update my story as fast. Hope you enjoy it. Please spread the book around. kisses xoxo

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