Chapter 29

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As I drove Harry's car back to my place he fell asleep against the window. He had his hood pulled over his head and I could hear soft snores. It gave me the chance to think. And with that thinking came a lot of tears. I was thankful that Harry wasn't conscious to hear me cry.

My neck and cheek hurt from Colten's assault. I can't imagine what his brother told him that made him think that I would be so easy. I thought these rumors were dying down, although he does go to collage so hopefully this story doesn't get around the school.

I pulled in front of my neighbors house instead of my driveway. This way Harry can stay in my room and my mom won't see his car.

"Harry" I shook his shoulder but he didn't wake.

I undid my seatbelt then his before shaking him harder. He groaned and pulled his hood down over his face.

"Harry, you have to wake up." I lightly smacked his cheek.

His green eyes peeled open just enough to look outside. He groaned again but sat up straighter. I sure hope he has a nasty hangover when he wakes up tomorrow. Maybe then he'll learn not to drink this much.

I got out of his car and rounded to his side to help him out. He was still half asleep when he stumbled out. It was quite the challenge to get him to the door. He had one arm draped over my shoulder but put only some of his weight on me.

Once inside I dragged him up the stairs and dropped him on my bed so I can tell my mom I'm home.

"Mom?" I peered in through her door. She was still up watching TV but looked very tired, "I'm home."

"Alright sweetie," she said between coughs, "go to bed."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, throats just a little scratchy. Get to bed."

I did as told and went back into my bedroom to discover Harry underneath my covers shirtless, and possibly naked, smiling up at me. I locked the door after closing it. He made room for me on the bed but I just shook my head and went to use the bathroom.

After grabbing clothes I closed the door behind me and looked into the mirror. I was almost unrecognizable with my still puffy cheeks and smeared maskara, thank god for the darkness in my bedroom that masked my gross face. There was a red spot on my right cheek from where Colten hit me, I'm sure it will bruise. The thought of him causes a shiver to run down my spine.

I don't want to see that creep ever again in my lifetime.

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face then changed into my pajamas, a big shirt over my underwear, and then joined Harry in my bedroom.

"Looking good." he said as I entered. I laughed and crawled under the covers thankfully discovering that he still had boxers on.

He pulled me close to his body. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath that came out shaky.

"Eliana it's alright, I've got you now." he whispered.

"I know." I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Am I? Am I okay? I don't think so. Not after this night of events, or any other day. I'm sick of school and all the people there and just when I get a break from it all, Jane has to ruin that too.

"I don't know." I simply answered.

I let out some tears which is exactly what I don't want to do in front of him. They landed on his chest so he rapped both arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

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