Chapter 24

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After planning tonight in front of Jase's apartment we drove back to my place so I could put on real clothes. I felt kind of bad because I left captain in the backyard, but it's fenced in and he seemed to be making friends with the squirrel running back and fourth on top of the wooden fence.

After changing into jeans a T-shirt and sweater, I told my mom that I was going out. Surprisingly she told me I had till eleven. It's a late cider for her, but I doubt that this bonfire will be over by then. I'll take what I can get though.

At nine thirty Harry was back to pick me up. I watched him pull up so I was on the porch by the time he walked around his car wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and white converse.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." he smirked back and met me halfway between the house and his car. He spun on his heel when he got next to me and draped an arm over my shoulders as we walked.

Once in the car, Harry hesitated before turning the ignition on.

"We really don't have to go tonight if you don't want to," he spoke while staring through the windshield, "we can stay here, watch a movie, and just hang out."

He's been sort of apathetic about this party. Jace was excited that I was going and said it would be fun. I could use some fun.

"Harry," I complained, "I want to go, but it sounds like your the one who doesn't."

"No, I do want to go..."

"Then what's your deal?"

"Because," he paused, "Most of my friends are assholes," Harry blurted then looked at me, "you should already know that."

"Some of them are, but I like Jace." I pointed out. "I promise I'll be fine. I'll stay right by your side the entire time."

"You better." he had a small smile creeping into his face but I can feel the seriousness in his voice.

He finally pulled out of the parking space and headed to Scott's.

I'm not stupid, I know Harry hangs around a bad crowd. The group that is always getting into fights, and does drugs, and most are always getting in trouble with the law. But I have no one anymore. No friends or any sort of aquatence. All I have is Harry.

And when things were normal at the beginning of the year I wouldn't even think about going to a party like this. But now things are different. It can't be that bad anyway, can it? It can be bad if they all hate me the way Eric and Scott did. That would be bad. I'd most likely end up crying by the end if the night.

I shook my head clear of these bad thoughts. I can't freak myself out about this.

Instead I looked over to study the beautiful boy driving. Even though it was dark, I could still see that his face was neutral as he focused on the road. I loved the way he fluffs his chestnut curls and rakes it to the side when it obscures his vision.

A deep dimple popped into his cheek when he realized I was staring. I blushed a deep red, even though I'm around him all the time and usually I'm comfortable around him, he still has the power over me to make me blush.

He turned to me and flicked his eyebrows up as if to say 'like what you see?' then turned his attention back the the road.

We arrived at a place in the middle of nowhere. Browning corn filled all the sides around the two story white house. The building seemed dead, only a few windows were lit with dim light. Most of the action seemed to be happening behind the house where I could see the fires glow. There was also a barn or garage type building located in the back, it had a giant sliding door that was open all the was to reveal tables with beer pong currently being played on most of them. A fair amount of people stood all around the backyard holding red plastic cups.

My Sisters Lover(Harry styles fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz