Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes and saw completely white walls. It took me a moment to figure out where I was. I was in a hispital, again. Harry came into view above me, he was looking down on me with a worried expression.

"Hey there beautiful." he smirked.

"Hey." I smiled and sat up- a little too quickly I may add- and felt a groaning pain in my stomach. I winced and clenched my belly with one hand and held myself up with my other arms elbow.

"Easy there." he frowned.

"Eliana your up!" my mom was right outside the open door talking with a doctor. They both came in and joined harry at the side of my bed.

"Mom? When did you get back?"

"I came home while you were at school. I wanted to check up in you before I have to go back again. I'm sure glad I did." she's right, good timing.

"Your going back?"

"Just until Thursday."

"Hello, I'm Dr. Collins." the doctor intuited and introduced himself, "I ran some tests, while you were asleep, on your heart and head and didn't really find anything specific wrong."

"So I'm fine?"

"I believe so," he examined his clip board, "I would like to ask you some questions though, if you two could wait in the hall."

"Uh," my mom hesitated before finally gravitating towards the door, "we'll be right outside, okay honey?"

"Okay mom." I said trying my best to sound unconcerned, but I know I did this to myself and sooner or later she's going to find out.

"Alright first off," he began once the door closed, "I understand you had a head injury a About two weeks ago, is that correct?"


"I also understand that there was no severe damage to your head, no concussion or anything like that."


"So that theory is ruled out. Have you, or do you, have any sort of eating disorder I should know about?" he raised his eyebrows at me expectantly.

"Uh... n.."

"Don't worry," he cut me off, "this is a safe environment, you can tell me if you do." he knew, I could tell. But I just didn't want to tell him the truth.

"No, I don't." I lied the best I could.

"Okay," he sighed, "Usually when young teenagers like yourself come in here this way that's usually the case. Because when girls starve themselves that way it causes quite extensive problems."

"Like what?" I asked. I know he's trying to scare me but I couldn't help but wonder.

"When your this young and you don't get the right nutrients your body and heart need you usually will have future heart problems. Your still growing your body needs the protein, nutrients, sodium, and sugar."

"So can I go home." I said a little angry, this is turning into a lecture.

"Of course, but take my advise Eliana."

He walked to the door as I rolled my eyes and opened it to let in my mom and Harry.

"So what's the matter?" my mom instantly asked.

"She'll be fine, she just skipped a few meals today accidentally." he sent an unnoticed wink my way.

"I offered part of my lunch El, why didn't you take it?" harry asked

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