Chapter 7

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"Harry!" my sister smacked his arm.

Don't say that about your teacher.

I've been listening to Harry and Jane talk for the past five minutes about absolute nonsense. Harry offered me a ride this morning that I accepted, but for the first time Jane was actually with us. So I haven't said a word this whole drive. I sat quietly in the back seat occasionally making short eye contact in the rear-view mirror.

After my talk with Harry yesterday it seemed like he was avoiding me. It's what I expected, but I couldn't stop the hurt that I felt.

"What? She's a bitch."

"Well she's my favorite teacher so shut up." This made him chuckle as he pulled into the parking lot.

I noticed when he parked that he didn't jog around to the other side to open either of our doors. I climbed out of the same side as Jane and walked up to the school with the two of them. I was reluctant when we entered the building and spotted Brooke's blonde head standing close to CJ.

I ran up to them ready to tell her everything from my weekend.

"Brooke! Thank god!"

"What?" she said with some attitude.

"Okay? What's wrong with you."

"I'm gonna go over there." CJ said quietly and left us.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"You tell me?"

"Brooke are you gonna tell what's going on or..."

"Eliana we've been best friends since middle school I've always been there for you and I can't believe you would stab me in the back like this."

"Like what?" I snapped.

"Listen I talk to a lot of guys, I've been on a few to many dates, and we all know I'm no virgin but you have no right going around calling me a whore. I've done nothing to deserve this, especially from you." she poked me hard on the chest. Her loud voice caught the attention of quite a few people standing around.

"I would never say that."

"Whatever, I've got to go." she walked off most likely trying to find CJ but not before turning around one last time. "And stay away from me would ya?"

I never felt so hurt in my life, everyone's turning on me! None of these things I've heard are true, every rumor I've heard are ugly lies that I would never say or do. Brooke out of all people should understand that. Why would she fall for this crap, I thought she was on my side.

After standing there frozen, I finally swallowed the lump in my throat and went to my locker. I could point out small groups of girls staring at me as they whispered. Halfway to my locker I pulled up the hood on my hoodie for two reasons one: I would be harder to recognize and two: I could hide the tears forming in my eyes.

The wetness on my cheeks was rapidly growing so I ducked into the nearest bathroom thankfully finding it empty. I swung open a stall and sat down on the toilet seat. I was safe to let it all out, and I did. I've lost my bestfriend! Over something that never even happened. Why me? I don't deserve this.

I remembered Brooke's cold face when she said stay away from me. The thought only made more treats come out.

'I have to stop crying' I told myself, I can't stay in here forever. I took some deep breathes until my breathing was steady. I fanned my hot face in attempts to cool myself. when I was mostly calm I opened the stall door and was horrified at the mess if my reflection. My mascara was running down my red cheeks and prices of hair stuck to the spots that were wet.

My Sisters Lover(Harry styles fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang