Chapter 21

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I awoke this morning and forced myself not to mope and to actually get out of bed. I stepped into the kitchen to see my mom making an enormous mess. There were ingredients all over the countertops along with bowls and utensils of every kind. The main attraction of the room was the smoking waffle maker.

"Mom!" I exclaimed in shock, "what on earth is going on?" I couldn't hold back the laughs and neither could she.

"I'm making breakfast." she said and held out her hands. They were covered in batter. It was everywhere, there was mix on her apron, all over her face, even in her hair.

A sharp beeping noise caught my attention. My neck quickly swiveled to the direction of the irritating sound. It was the smoke detector in the hall.

"Shit." my mom cursed and turned back to the waffle maker, "will you make that stop, please." she laughed and scraped out the charred waffles.

I grabbed a towel and went into the hall. Using the towel I fanned the detecter trying to clear the smoke away from it. I didn't succeed so I grabbed a stool and climbed on top of it. I wobbled for a second before regaining my balance. I clicked a button to make the obnoxious noise quit. I climbed off the stool and re-entered the kitchen.

"Grab an apron," my mom instructed with a spoon, "I'm gonna need some help."

I did as I was told with a grin that couldn't be wiped off my face. My mom has never been the best cook. I don't understand what she finds so hard about it but most nights I found Jane and myself doing all the cooking.

"You really are something, mom." I joked and pulled my hair into a low messy bun then grabbed a bowl of good mix and began to stir it around.

"Yes, yes I know, I'm a terrible cook but it never hurts to try." she said as she dumped a plate of blackened waffles into the trash, "so, how was your date with Harry?"

I immediately stopped stirring. I wanted to say the date was great but it ended so badly. He's mad at me, for no good reason. If only he would listen, but he has such a bad temper.

But "fine." is all I said.

"Just fine?" she asked as she placed some of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

"It was great, nothing special but.." I trailed off, "how was your night?" I changed the subject as quickly as I could.

"Great!" she yelled, "those girls are so crazy." she laughed.

"Mom, your crazy." I pointed out.

"Hey, watch it." she said and flicked a spoon covered in batter, some flew off and hit me across the face. I let out a sudden gasp and wiped it away from my eye.

"Oh honey." she covered her mouth to hold back laughs. I picked up my spoon and held it up to throw some back at her.

"Do that and your grounded for a month," she warned trying to look serious, "I'm not kidding..."

But it was too late, a streak of batter covered her nose and mouth.

"Alright truss." she said and grabbed the bowl from me. I opened the waffle maker to rub some butter on the two hot plates.

I was about to turn around and get the bowl back when I felt a hand wipe a handful of chunky liquid up my neck and into my cheek. I jumped away from her to avoid any more batter.

"Mom!" I shrieked and swiftly leaned forward and stuck my whole hand in the bowl, she yanked it away but my hand was already covered with the batter. with a flick of the wrist her chest and apron were covered in chunky splotches.

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