Chapter 4

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When I opened my eyes again, I found my head resting in Harry's lap staring up at his upside down face.

"You okay?" he asked worriedly.

I groaned and tried sitting up, I winced feeling the full impact of my new powerful headache.

"No no. He objected and guided me back down.

"How long was I out?" I wondered.

"Only about three minutes." he finally smiled at me, it was a soft one, barely there but there was one.

"I have to get home."

"I don't know about that, you may need stitches." I brought my hand up and just touched under the throbbing cut. I brought it back down and sure enough there was a fare amount of blood covering two of my fingers.

"Come on." I didn't object as he lifted me for the second time today, this time in bridle stile. He carried me a little ways down the sidewalk to a near by parking lot. His large black vehicle came into sight and soon I was placed into the passenger seat.

He climbed in on the other side, brought the car to life, and pulled out of the small, dark parking lot.

"Here." he pulled out two napkins from between his seat and the center consule. "hold these on your head."

I listened and lightly held the napkins to the wound.

My eyes were getting so heavy and I was struggling to stay awake.

"I don't know a lot about head injury, but I'm almost positive you shouldn't fall asleep." he spoke making my eyes open up more to stare at him.

He lightly smacked my cheeks attempting to keep me awake. His attempt failed as my eyes began to shut again. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder then slip down and gave my left breast a squeeze.

My eyes shot open and I straightened out my posture. He laughed as I punched him in the arm.

"I new that would wake you up."

"Ha-ha" I sarcastically laughed "very funny."

We pulled into the hospital and once again I had to wait as Harry came around to get my door. Instead of lifting me up this time I carefully got out and stumbled on my jelly like legs, thankfully Harry caught me. He walked to the right of me with his left hands around my shoulder and the other lightly held the napkins to my forehead.

We walked in and went straight to the counter where a nurse sat. She didn't even look up before another came rushing to my side.

"What happened?" she asked probably having to say it for the hundredth time today, but still seemed concerned.

"I fell on a sidewalk." I answered technically it was the truth, I just left out the part with Harry's fight.

"Okay, you come with me." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me. The way she said it she obviously meant for only me to follow, but when Harry began to follow, she didn't say a thing. I now how it is being incredibly intimidated by him.

We went threw a door that came to another big room with a large desk. There were hallways that branched off with private rooms for actual patients. But I didn't belong in one of those, so she sat me down on a bed and pulled a curtain most of the way shut. Harry took a seat beside me as the nurse stood in front if me.

"Let's have a look." she tilted my head upwards to examine it. She then pulled on a pair of gloves and began wiping away the blood with some sort of sterile cloth. When she was all finished the bloody wipes and gloves were thrown away and she spoke. "it's not deep, so you won't need stitches. I'll need you to keep it clean and covered for a while and fill this out would you?"

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