Chapter 8

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I sucked it up this morning and decided to bravely face another day at school. This time I left earlier to avoid seeing Harry. I know he was just trying to be nice to me at lunch yesterday but I'm to embarrassed to see him.

There aren't that many people here yet so I'll just get my stuff from my locker and hide again.

When I got to the hallway that held my locker, there was quite the large crowd somewhat close to it. I heard whispers and giggles as I approached it.

Among the crowd was Kate and Brooke. 'Great' I thought. this can't be good at all. The stare that both of them were giving me felt as if it burned through my skin.

When I finally got there I realized what everyone was waiting for. Taped all over my locker were dozens of little blue square packages.

"Are those..." I didn't have to finish my sentence after reading the labels. Condoms! They taped condoms all over my locker! Who does this?

Everyone around me burst into laughter and the halls were beginning to fill so I quickly ripped them down.

"Are you gonna use those Eliana?" Brooke asked I turned towards her and Kate.

"How could you do this?" I asked throwing the condoms at her feet. "what did I ever do to you?" I pushed her in the shoulders, not hard but enough for her to take a backwards step.

"Get off me you cow!" she shoved me back as hard as she could sending me flying into the lockers, earning more laughter.

Tears sprang up in my eyes. I've never cried so much in my life. I pushed my way through the dense crowd and headed to the front doors.

Rounding the corner I ran into, of course Evan of all people. I stopped in front of him and tried to read his face. He looked surprised and worried as he stared down at me. I wiped my cheeks and tried to push around him.

"El." he stopped me, "I didn't mean for any of this to go this far I..."

"Save it Evan. You ruined my life." with that I pushed by him.

My life used to be fun. I loved my friends, my boyfriend, I enjoyed going to school, But now I can't handle it. I didn't only lose all of my friends, I lost my bestfriend. Now the whole school hates me.

"Eliana?" I heard my sisters voice. I looked up, I made it all the way to the front doors. Jane was walking up with worried eyes alongside Harry whose focus was on the floor. "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm going home."

"What why?" she cupped my face with both of her hands to look at her.

"Nothing it's fine I just don't want to be here."

"You wouldn't be crying if you were fine." I rolled my eyes at her persistency and pulled her hands away.

"Leave it alone Jane!" I yelled and stormed off. Thankfully she didn't follow me.


When I got home the house was empty. I went straight to my room, into bed and pulled the sheets over my head. I never want to go back there. Maybe I can convince my mom to sign me up for homeschooling, then I wouldn't have to see or talk to anyone. I know that it would never work though. I'll just have to enjoy this day off. Tomorrow too, I almost forgot that Janes leaving.

I know I just snapped at her but she was just trying to comfort me. With Brooke out of the picture I have no one to talk to, Jane is supposed to be the one I can go to but now I'll have no one.

I threw my sheets off with a grunt. I need to stop thinking about all of this and feeling sorry for myself. I picked up my phone and opened up Instagram to look at pointless and often funny photos. This should cheer me up... Nope. The very first photo at the top of my feed was from Kate's profile.

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