Chapter 11

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I woke this morning to the blinding sunlight that bled through the spaces in the curtains. I sat up and the first thing I noticed was that Harry was gone. I flopped back down onto the mattress and sighed feeling slightly disappointed.

Maybe he has better things to do, none of my business. I looked around my room thinking about what to do today. My mom always warns me to stay in the house while shes gone but it's never stopped me before.

I decided that I wasn't going to do anything but lay in this bed all day. It's what I should be doing after the week I've had anyway. Then I noticed plastic sticking out of my closet.

My homecoming dress.

I stood up and strode over to it and lifted the hanger. I hung it up on the outside of my closet and unzipped it, then sat down on the edge of my bed to examine it.

It was a simple dress, only for homecoming. Nothing too special like prom. It was a tight fitted dress with only one sleeve. The color was red like ruby's and the glitter that covered it sparkeled.

I sat there staring at it wondering what this night would have been like if none of this happened. If I hadn't gone out with Evan. I would have gotten up early to go and get my hair and nails done and maybe had a quick lunch with Brooke before meeting out dates at my house for pictures. I don't know who would be my date, maybe just one of my friends (former friends) like last year.

I jumped when my door opened to reveal Harry with a white paper bag and two paper cups of coffee in a drink carrier.

"Morning, thought you could use some breakfast." he held out the bag, I took it followed by my coffee.

"Thanks." I said shyly. He took a seat next to me on the bed pulling his legs up and crossing them, I did the same.

I opened the bag, it had two bagels in it. I handed one to Harry who took a large bite out of it as soon as it was in his hands. I set mine on my lap and picked at the top.

"So about last night." I began.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Harry said.

"I just want to clarify, I wasn't going to do whatever you thought I was."

"Well it sure looked like you were."

"I was but, I started to think about how stupid it would have been."

"Incredibly stupid."

"Yes incredibly," I rolled my eyes,"But I had no one to talk to. No ones around! The whole school hates me, my sisters at college, and my moms on a business trip and will be gone for a week, maybe even longer."

"When you have no one to talk to you don't just kill yourself. There are other options like, like i don't know a shrink or something."

"I don't want to go to a shrink and the point isn't because I had no one to talk to. It was the fact that my life turned into my worst nightmare in a little over a week."

"They're just rumors." he said like it was no big deal.

"Yeah well those rumors are making people hate me. Kids at school are saying I'm fat and that I should kill myself and make them all happy. So I thought if that's what they want maybe I should give it to them and make them happy, or it'll make them sad and open up their eyes to how evil they're being. But then I thought of my mom and sister and no matter what they're there for me and I still have my future ahead of me. When I go to college I can get away from all of this."

Harry sat there speechless for a moment and then finally looked up to meet my eyes.

"I'm glad you decided against it."

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