Morning at Gen and Jared's

Depuis le début

I said 'cool. Sounds good to me! You guys all deserve the break. Love y'all. Boys, have fun at work, Gen good luck on your audition, and Mom have a good meeting or whatever lol. ❤️😘.' Then kissed Tom's head and asked Gen when she was leaving so I could shower beforehand.

She said the audition wasn't for a few hours still but that Jared needed to get up and asked if I'd mind making sure he was up before I got in the shower.

I said, "sure what shower did you want me to use?" Then got up to start walking towards her and Jared's room.

Gen said I could use the guest shower as I knocked on the door to get Jared up.

There was no answer so I slowly opened it and saw him laying on his side with his mouth open and a small snore coming out of his mouth. His hair was in his face and he was still in the same jeans and shirt from last night, his beanie next to him on the floor. I smiled because he looked cute, was being quiet for once, and was laying slightly diagonal because he was too tall for the bed then slightly shook him awake.

It took a minute, which was understandable as yesterday was a long workday then he had to help Gen with the boys (I helped too with what we could before passing out on the living room floor with Tom) because they would not go to sleep.

He woke up yawning and moving the hair from his face. Once he sat up, I said, "Gen told me to get you up for work." He stretched his arms up, which made his shirt come up a little so some of his stomach showed and he said "thanks" while checked his phone. I said "you're welcome" then pulled him up to a standing position so he wouldn't fall back asleep. As I was about to turn around to leave the room, Jared pulled me in for a quick hug then kissed my head, and let me go. I smiled and walked out.

In the shower, I turned my speaker on and played my Supernatural playlist, which was full of songs from the show as well as songs that Dad and the others have done like Angeles and Fare Thee Well. Then, I hung my towel up, got undressed, and got in, letting the hot water warm my soul and singing along to all the songs, smiling and being happy the whole time.

When I came out of the bathroom, Jared came out of his bathroom in just his towel to grab something from the hall closet. He turned around to say hi and I couldn't help but look him up and down and started blushing. Jared saw and started laughing then told me he'd leave if he was distracting me. I looked up from the floor and said "no, sorry.  Just wasn't expecting to see you in your towel. Like if I'm watching the show or something then I expect it but yeah and I'm rambling now so I'm just going to shut up."

Jared laughed and smiled then said "it's okay. I was just asking you how you were liking being on the show and if you were really going to be able to handle all the kids today."

I said, "ohhh. Yeah, thanks I am. It's great being a part of something so big. I hate that it's so close to ending though. And yes I should be able to handle the kids. I used to watch my siblings and their friends all the time and there'd be a lot more of them with a lot less space. Plus, JJ absolutely LOVES helping out with the twins so I think she'll be good at least."

He said, "good. I'm glad and yeah she is a big help with them. Especially with you. You know she looks up to you like you really are her big sister right?"

I noded as we heard Gen yell from downstairs "Jared you better be dressed or so help me God you will not like me when you get home!"

Jared and I laughed and looked at me and said "you know I'm going to be checking on you later. Love you kid," then went to the bathroom to get dressed and I went downstairs to the kitchen and let her know he was getting dressed now and that him and I ended up talking for a few minutes.

She said okay and told me I looked cute. I was wearing a gray crop top that had a flower on it that Felicia had gotten me the week before, a beanie Jared had given me, a pair of ripped high waisted jeans, and the black booties Gen had gotten me for Christmas.

I said thanks and told her she looked cute too. She was wearing a black shirt, a pair of jeans she'd bought the day before on our girl's day, and her cowboy boots. She said, "thanks I just hope the boys can avoid spilling something on me for 2 hours," and laughed.

I laughed and said, "yeah I hear ya there."

A few minutes later, Dad and JJ come into the kitchen and JJ climbs into my lap while Dad hugs me and asks me if I was sure I could watch them all today and how I was doing since I found out that Laurel had cheated.

I said, "I wish everyone would stop asking me that but yes I got this. I promise. If I really need help I can call Vicki. And I promise I really am okay. I had my crying time last night and I woke up this morning and feel fine. Honest to Chuck."

Dad laughed and said "okay," then walked over to the stairs and yelled for Jared to get down there before they were late. Gen and I laughed as Jared came down the stairs saying sorry.

He walked to the fridge to grab his water bottle then hugged and kissed Gen bye and gave JJ and I kisses on our heads. He walked out through the living room, giving Shep and Tom hugs and kisses on the way out.

JJ got up from my lap to go join the boys in the living room as my phone started ringing, playing I Don't Want To Be by Gavin DeGraw as it was the theme song for One Tree Hill so it was Mom's ringtone. I answered and Mom sounded panicked, asking if I could come get the twins because her meeting had gotten moved up so she only had half an hour to shower and get there on time. I said yeah and got up to leave, hugging Gen on my way out.

As I was closing the front door, I heard Odette start crying, signifying she was ready to start her day, and smiled/laughed to myself thinking about how the day was going to go.

End Ch. 25

So sorry it's been so long! I finally have a bunch of ideas though!

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