When I got out of the room I found Taehyung looking at a picture, smiling to himself warmly.

I peeked over and saw that it was a family photo when I was younger. And I was holding a baby, she was one of my cousins, I was smiling with those missing teeth with two braids.

"Hmm, cute," he mumbled to himself, letting out a small laugh.


He looked startled to see me, "err, what?! The baby in your arms. You're ready?"

"Yeah," I said, still wondering why he looked nervous. (A/N: because he's god 😂, ok, I'll leave sorry. Go back to the story.)

I walked out of the house, walking towards the school.

"Hey, where are you going?" Taehyung called from behind.


"Yeah, but aren't you riding with me??"

"No! Its enough rides from you. And besides, I don't want the students to see us... Together." I said the last words in a whisper, blushing. Oh, my god, why was I blushing??!

But he heard me,"you seriously care about them or about the class that's gonna start in ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes?! Are you freakin kidding me?!!" I said, running to the car and hopping in almost immediately. I might not be a nerd, but I never got late for classes. Never. Well, except when I got stuck in the bathroom with Taehyung but that was a different case.

He chuckled at me while getting in and starting the car.

We finally arrived at school, late. But at least we made it. As soon as I got out of the car, though, some students glared at me, mostly girls. What was wrong with them? Oh,right, I came to school with prince charming -more like prince annoying - and now they would probably think we're dating or something. Great.

I sighed, running towards the class, not caring if Taehyung was even following. I stumbled into the class breathlessly, getting inside and sitting on my seat.

"Jeez, what happened to you? You look like you've been racing horses or something." Soo Jae said. For some reason, if it had been anyone else I would've shot them a glare, but I gave her a weak smile. But it faded as soon as the memories of my last dream rushed in.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head,"nothing."

Just when I said that, Taehyung came in, looking normal and gorgeous as ever. Why did he always look like that? It was annoying.

He then grinned at me and sat beside me, looking more comfortable than before. Strange.


Finally, I sighed. The school day was over and I had to go to work now. Hopefully with no more encounters with Taehyung.

I was stepping outside of the school gates when I heard a call, "(Y/N)!!!"

I looked behind, seeing an unfamiliar face of a girl along with many other girls who looked angry.

I shook my head, I don't know these dudes, so I decided to go already until I felt a yank at my collar as I was swept behind.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!!"

"Get off, asshole," I said, bothered at her action but calm. I just needed some rest and I had a job to do, I had enough.

"No!! You get off of Taehyung's ass!! Or you'll face your end!!"

I yanked her grip away and looked over at her in annoyance,"sorry if your precious Taehyung never noticed your ugly faces, but I'm not taking him in anyway, its the other way around. And besides, this is not some kind of movie where I'm defenseless and get bullied easily. I'd rather back off and hide right away if I were you."

The b**ch actually looked at me in frustration and slapped me hard.

I looked over at her and kicked at her chest by mistake -no regrets- and she fell backwards while her ugly friends held her messed up form.

"You don't get to threat me," I smiled bitterly at her.

But then all the other girls rushed towards me and pushed me to the fence, blocking me.

Some of them kicked or punched. And I tried to defend myself as much as I could. But they were too many.

And after a lot of effort, I managed to run away from their grips, still not feeling a bit scared but pained. This is what happens to you when your heart decides to beat for someone unreachable.

Yes, my almost dead heart that stayed like that for years finally beat.

I just realized it.

It beat for Kim Taehyung.

And it hurt as Hell.

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