"Are they seeing each other again?" Poppy asks curiously.

"No, they're not," I answer, turning to Poppy as I remove my hand off Parad's shoulder. "She was just testing something out and she got her answer."

"Do you know how the twins are? I heard a lot about pregnancy from Emu and Kiriya. Also, Kuroto told me a lot about it in order to comfort me on the subject. I heard that she might give birth early and I was worried about her. She's like my mother now." Poppy looks me in the eyes. "Serene, tell me that she's alright!"

"She's alright, Poppy," I say, assuring her of Kara's safety. "Masamune has no idea about the healthy babies."

"They're very healthy according to Kara. I don't understand medical stuff so I can't say for sure if they are or not. I'm only going by what she told me. She knows how to spot stuff on that kind of thing," Parad tells Poppy, smiling a bit. He's happy about the babies despite their father being our enemy. I find that cute. It is surreal that he is able to come terms with that kind of thing.

Parad is going to be a sweet father to those kids. I can see it now. He's going to act like their actual blood related father despite being a surrogate one.

"We should all get back to the CR."

"Right, we should."

(Serene – CR)

I step into the CR and Kiriya looks up, staring me in the eyes. "We're working in here," he tells me, looking away. "You should go and be with Kara right now."

"Kiriya, I want to be here for this right now. I've sent Parad off to find Graphite in hopes that he can be reasoned with. I see that Kuroto is busy. Are you two remaking the Gashat that Masamune made disappear?" I ask, stepping fully into the room.

Kiriya nods his head. "He's taking forever with this. Shouldn't you know how to make it already, Kuroto?" Kiriya asks, shouting.

"Shut up and stop questioning my genius!" Kuroto shouts, typing onto his laptop thing that he uses for his gaming stuff. Masamune does that too.

"Apparently, he is a genius," I comment, grabbing a chair and pulling it over to Kiriya's spot. I sit down and look at him, smiling. "So, did you fall asleep watching this crap?"

He nods his head and sighs a bit. "Yeah, I did. You must know that happened because you asked. Do you know what Kara is up to at the moment?"

"She's probably hiding out because she doesn't want her man's father knowing about the babies," I answer, looking over at Kuroto as he types. Emu is on the patient's bed, which is probably because he is being used to make the ability due to his Bugster virus.

"Does she have to hide?"

"She's showing a lot right now. Well, not too much as long as she wears a baggy outfit," I tell him, being honest. I touched her belly after asking to. I've been reading up on what to do when conversing with Humans.

"Masamune doesn't have the right to know about the kids really. If she wanted to abort them, she can go and do that. He couldn't stop her as long as she does it in a place that allows her to do so and if it is legal where she is doing it at. However, she's not that kind of person."

"I get why people get them," I reply. "She is just the kind of person that loves giving others a chance despite her mistakes. Everyone is different though and we should respect that."

"I agree with you on that. Minus on the evil people of the world. They have to be stopped."

"Can you guys keep it down over there? Emu needs to focus," Kuroto tells us and I groan. What a douchebag!

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