-Chapter 19

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-Chapter 19: Dealing with Darkness

"I don't see why you're ignoring me," Hiiro says, sticking his fork into the piece of cake on his plate. I'm ignoring him only because of him being a total idiot about Saki. He hid her from me and didn't even admit anything to me about being in love with someone before.

"Don't have small talk while I'm here," Dan says, placing down a piece of paper. "This is the results from the simulation. I have all the battle data on here and I am going to give you each a turn to look at it and see how you did and what you need to improve on."

"What do I have to do?" I look at him.

"You can work on being a better support to the CR and not putting yourself in danger. Hiiro told me about your little thing the other day," Dan answers, staring at me with a serious expression on his face. I wonder how he actually feels underneath that serious look on his face. Knowing him, he doesn't feel a single thing.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever..."

"Did you say something?" he asks, his tone very serious.

"I just told you that I would improve myself in order to do better here," I answer, lying. He nods his head and pushes the paper towards Hiiro.

"Emu, please look over the paper too. I know you're the Genius Gamer M but we all have something to learn in life. I'm the same way. Even though I'm good at my job, I still have things I can improve on. I'm not the best in the field. No one is perfect." He's lying. He obviously has a huge ego.

"Alright." He nods.

"Kara, I need to talk to you about how to improve your work ethic here at the CR. If you stop by my work, I'll give you tips on what you can do to help around here and know your place here."

"Are you trying to boss me around, Kuroto?" I asks, staring at him and raising an eyebrow.

He laughs. "I'm your boss when I'm here and you will deal with it. Kara, please make time out of your busy schedule to stop by. If you don't stop by, I will just come here and force you to listen to me give a lecture on CR behavior. You are being too reckless and risking the lives of the patients with your behavior."

"I don't think I'm doing that all! I'm a good Nurse and I wouldn't risk the lives of anyone here!" I stand up, smacking my hand against the table.

He looks at me, staring at me coldly. "Kara, you're risking their lives by distracting the others by needing to be saved," he states. "I won't take responsibility for how risky you're being by going out there and distracting every single person in the CR."

I nod and sit down, looking down at my legs. How dare he be so rude about what happened the other day! It isn't my fault everything bad happens to me when he is being the evil rider! Besides, I didn't think about how dangerous it was at all.

"You don't have to be so hard on her," Emu says, sticking up for me. "She was just doing what she thought was best for everyone."

"She could have gotten the patient killed by delaying you guys from saving her. Do you want that, Emu?" Dan asks and Emu shakes his head. "Thoughts so. Anyways, how did she even enter the stage?"

"I don't know," Hiiro answers. "She just managed to."

"I see. Kara, how did you?"

"I just entered it. Like walked into it..." I don't know how I was able to enter it. How am I even supposed to know about that?

"I see. Well, maybe it was a glitch in the system. Anyways, Kara, how about we talk now? I need to talk with you in private about the matter." Dan is wanting me alone once again and he is probably going to be really rude to me. As my ex would say, 'No thank you.'

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