-Chapter 45

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-Chapter 45: Select Start

"Welcome to the new game!" Parad shouts, looking me in the eyes. "Aren't you enjoying this too, Kara?"

"Parad, stop this. You don't have to be like this at all!" I shout.

"But you're a Bugster too! You should be wanting this. Didn't you say you would live in the world I make? Well, this is a taste of it!" Parad holds out his arms. "Now, let's have fun!"

"Stop this!" I shout, grabbing his arm.

He looks at me and he shoves me away from him, causing me to stumble back. "We're not together anymore so I won't keep any promises I had before. You're my enemy now and we're going to keep it that way," he states. Is he trying to act cold to cover up how he truly feels right now?

I get up and move towards him again and place my hands on his face and place my lips against his, kissing him gently. I need to snap him out of this. He needs to stop this.

He hooks an arm around my waist and kisses me back for a moment before shoving me away from him. "Thank you for the good luck kiss. I'm glad you want me to beat these people up without getting hurt," he says, laughing.


He transforms and steps towards the people, who are Rider Players, and begins attacking them. He is handling them with ease. How can he do this? This isn't what I thought when he meant making the world full of Bugsters! I thought he would let people die to the virus.

He catches one of the Rider Player's hand and punches them in the got, causing them to fall over. I push myself off the ground and grab his arm, holding onto him. He turns a bit and laughs.

"I can't play with you like this! This isn't a fair fight!" He pushes me off of him and I fall backwards and I feel someone's arms go around me.

"Kara..." Emu pulls me closer to his body, holding me close as Parad does his Critical Strike on the players in front of us. Wait a second! Where's Poppy?

"Game Over!"

"No..." I mutter out, struggling to get up. Ah!

"Your leg is cut," Emu states before turning his attention back to the players who just got their Game Over.

"Why can't I transform?" Someone asks loudly.

"Let me explain it to you! When playing this game, you only get one life! That is right! One life only," a familiar voice exclaims and I look up. Poppy! "You just lost your one life so you got a Game Over." She gives an X sign with her arms and smiles. "That is all from me, your Kamen Rider Chronicle Navigator."

"No!" One of the players shouts as they start to digitize and fade away. "No!"

"Are you having fun yet?" Parad asks, stepping over to us. He holds out his hand to me and I glare at him. "Ha! You don't trust me now do you, Kara?" His face turns serious. "You're right not to. I'm going to eliminate you eventually. I will most likely leave you alone until you're all by yourself."

"Parad, you should just end me here if you want that," I state.

He looks down, staring at my legs. "I would but you're hurt. Let us wait until you're better, okay?" He bends over a bit and places a hand on my shoulder, smiling. "See you soon, Kara." His lips curve upwards, twisting into a sadistic smile.

"Wait...what is this game?" Emu asks.

"Huh? This game? It is a game where Bugsters get to beat Humans. Humans don't get to beat Bugsters anymore," Parad says, explaining Kamen Rider Chronicle. "If Kuroto was running it, I would be getting my ass handed to me. But I won't let that happen now. This game is my game. It is my game to make this world mine."

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