-Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2: Bang, Bang, Bang! What is a Kamen Rider?

"Kara, you need to check on everyone I operated on earlier," Hiiro says, looking up from his clipboard.

"Why can't you do that?" I swear, he is doing this so he can go and eat some cake in a private room away from everyone. He used to do that back in the USA when he thought no one knew what he was into and doing.

"I have plans for today," he tells me. Is he already dating someone? Did I just lose to someone Hiiro just met when he got back? "No, I'm not going on a date. It is purely business stuff and since you're a nurse, it is also part of your job."

"I didn't say anything about you going on a date. Don't assume what is going on my mind." And I know my job, thanks!

"Kara, I know you very well and I know what you are thinking sometimes," Hiiro states, looking me in the eyes. "Just check on everyone to see if they need anything, okay? And you will do it whether you want to or not."

"Just what are your plans exactly?" I'm so curious. I have to know what they are.

"Like I said, it is purely business. Go and do your job now."

He is so lucky that I learned his language so I can be with him easily. Japanese was a pain in my butt to learn. He's also lucky I taught him some English! I just need to hear him speak it again. I wonder if my Japanese sounds stupid. Sometimes people talk in Japanese and sound cute. I hope no one thinks I am doing it to sound cute.

"Fine, whatever," I mutter out, turning away from him.

"Don't forget to check the vitals. Also, check to see if they need any medications. You know what to do after that," he says, giving me a billion orders. He is so hard to work under.

I roll my eyes and move forward. I feel my wrist get grabbed and I turn and look at Hiiro. Why did he just grab my wrist?

"What?" I ask.

"I just want to make sure you're going to do your job," he tells me, staring me straight in the eyes. Is this how he is going to show that he cares for me? If so, it isn't a good way to. Does this mean he still loves me somewhere in his frozen heart? "Take care."

"Uh...huh." I nod. Gosh, I'm pathetic still. That isn't even a logical response!

"Here is the clipboard so you can write down the vitals. The machines keep track of them, but I also love having written records of things. Can't rely on computers for everything since they could get hacked or have other things wrong with them." He just wants to have written proof of it.


"Memorizing it can lead to false data and I want it to be accurate so we don't have any issues with the patients, Kara. I am not looking to have lawsuits directed at either one of us."

I take the board from him. "Okay, fine."

"Hey, you're here working right now?" Emu asks, moving into my sight. Gosh, he's adorable!

"I am going to go now that he has shown up. Goodbye," Hiiro says, leaving me alone with Emu.

"Uh...see you later?" Emu looks super confused right now. Poor thing must always have this happen to him!

"Hey, where do you work exactly?" I ask Emu, staring at him as I place the clipboard against my chest.

"Pediatrics. I work with children every single day. I'm an Intern." Emu will probably want to do something else later on. I almost decided not to be a nurse and almost decided to do surgeries. I think I wanted to do plastic surgery specifically.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें