-Chapter 66

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-Chapter 66: Aftermath of Judgment

I lift my head off Parad's chest and look over at Graphite as he pulls out a cake from a plastic wrapper. "Do you have to be so loud in the morning? I'm trying to mourn someone over here!"

"Well, sorry for trying to eat in my home!" Graphite takes a bite of the cake. "Do you want any? It could make you feel better."

"Are you only being nice to me because of Parad?"

"I'm not heartless."

"Graphite, can you go and eat your cake elsewhere for a bit? I'm going to try and comfort her some more so she can be in a better mood," Parad asks.

Graphite sighs. "Fine."

"Graphite, you should try to understand how she feels right now. Her mother is stuck in time like...Lo...I can't say it," Parad says, holding onto me a bit tighter.

"She's like Lovelica," I state, placing my head back down onto Parad's chest. "No matter how she treated me, Parad, I loved her. I still love her."

"I know, I know." He rubs my back gently.

"Okay, I'll try to understand it by seeing if Saki lost anyone. Oh wait! She did! She lost Hiiro because he was too into studying and doing well in life until she was sick!"

"Well, Kara, at least he is trying to understand things," Parad says, sighing heavily. "Graphite, you can leave now. Go and bother your host's ex."

Graphite laughs. "That is actually a wonderful idea. Maybe I'll bother Taiga too."

"Go, Graphite!"

"Fine!" He probably just left the building.

I sit up a bit, getting off Parad's chest a bit. "Parad, I'm sorry for keeping you here all night like this. It is just hard imagining that my mother is gone. I don't get why she just gave up Foundation X. She was so loyal to them. It was like...they were her life."

"It wasn't worth it."

"Yeah, it wasn't. I wouldn't risk my life like that for them. I have done enough of doing that already," I reply, looking at Parad's beautiful face. "Your face is making me feel a bit better. What about mine?"

"You look like a hot mess," he answers, chuckling. "Your hair is messy as heck right now. Do you need me to help you get home?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah, that would be nice. I doubt anyone is going to look there for me."

"Where is your cell phone?"

"At the CR."

"You left it there?"

"Yeah, I do that sometimes."

He laughs. "You should carry it with you, Kara."

"I can't help that I'm forgetful sometimes," I mutter out, rolling my eyes playfully. "So, do you want to take me home now? I don't have all day."

"We'll get food at your place while we're out."

"Good idea."


Parad holds up his bowl of ramen noodles, staring at it curiously. "Is this all you know how to make, Kara? Shouldn't you be good at cooking?"

"It isn't my strongest point, Parad. I did learn a few recipes so I could cook for Hiiro because I thought I was going to marry him. However, they didn't turn out well," I answer, laughing. "Did you honestly expect me to be good at everything? I'm good at a lot but cooking isn't one of the things I'm good at."

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