-Chapter 31

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-Chapter 31: The Holidays Aren't Cheerful

I latch onto Kiriya's arm, staring him in the eyes. "What did you just say about me?" I ask him, staring at him in confusion.

"That you're married to our enemy, Kuroto."

"How did that happen?"

"Those papers you signed were probably what he needed to get you married to him. He has also transferred almost everything over to you," Kiriya tells me. I'm married now? Without my permission? Well...he sort of got my approval for it because I decided to listen to him and not read what I was signing for him.

"I guess I spaced out on that..." I look down, removing myself from Kiriya's warm and muscular arm. "How did it go through so soon?"

"He probably paid someone off before transferring the money. Congratulations, Kara Dan." I look at him as he looks away, a smile dropping from his face.

"I'm not happy about this."

"But this does benefit you, right? He doesn't know what I know about you," he replies, sounding a bit bitter.

"I does help me out but I didn't want to marry like that! I'm going to get into a lot of trouble over this," I mutter out, rolling my eyes. "Does the Minister know about it?"

"He was the one I went to first about it to tell him that you had no idea and that I would inform you of it. If anything, the police will come and talk with you about how much you know about Kuroto. Don't worry, Kara, I will have your back."

"Kiriya, you know I don't want this right? I did plan on marrying one day but not this soon. And I'm not even sure if I want to marry him."

"I know."

"I will have to use this to my advantage though. As long as Kuroto sees me as his wife, I can get what I need from him easily."

"You're always scheming, aren't you?"

"You know I've been scheming for a long time so this shouldn't surprise you."

"It doesn't surprise me at all." He looks at me, grinning. "Kara Dan is going to fool the entire world. However, she's not going to fool me."

"That is right. I'm not going to fool you," I state, giving him an icy stare. "You didn't let my past slip out your mouth, right? Because if you have let it slip, I will have to handle it and I don't want to do that."

"It hasn't even popped out once. Well, only to you and to myself when I found out about it," he tells me, chuckling.

"How did you even find out?"

"I hacked into something. I know how to do my research on people. Besides, I was curious about you."

"Did they notice?"

"Nope. I'm good at what I do, Kara."

"Good. Keep it that way."

"Christmas is coming tomorrow," he tells me. "I'm going to be making a visit to someone for it. It is a special occasion too. Do you want to join me for it?"

"I'll join you for sure." I nod my head. "I should get into contact with my husband soon. Knowing him, he's not up to anything good at the moment."

"Good luck finding him."

"I won't need luck to find him. He'll find me."

Kiriya moves closer to me, staring me in the eyes. "Kara, I won't tell anyone your secret as long as you don't try pulling a fast on me."

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