-Chapter 23

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-Chapter 23: Heartfelt

I open my eyes and sit up, looking around the room. "Where am I at right now? This is the second time I have had to go through this.

"You're at Seito University Hospital," Hiiro says, glaring at me as he positions a chart against his stomach. He looks down at it and looks back at me. "What is wrong with you? When that Black Rider arrived you started acting strange. What is up with you?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you know who the rider is?"

I shake my head. "No, it was...I don't know what was going through my head. I wasn't thinking at all. I guess I'm no good at being a Kamen Rider."

"Kara, are you alright?"

I look over at the door as Dan walks in, holding a briefcase. He places it down against the door and rushes to the side of the bed, staring down at me. He looks away, looking behind himself. He grabs a chair and pulls it over. He sits down on it and turns his attention back to me.

"I'm alright."

Hiiro eyes us, giving us a cold stare. "Do I need to leave you two alone so you can have some privacy?"

"We don't need any privacy, Hiiro," I say, answering his question. Is he implying that I'm with Dan or something? Nothing is going on with us at all anymore.

"Hiiro, I think you should go. I have some things to discuss alone with Kara. Please shut the door," Dan orders and Hiiro nods, turning away. He grabs the doorknob and closes the door behind himself as he walks out. "Kara, you could have died."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't lose focus when on the job. You can ignore certain things, okay?" I can't ignore him being there! I'm afraid something is going to happen to him for some reason!

"I can't help that I did, okay? Why are you making this my fault? You did this to me!"

"Did what?"

"Nothing..." I look away, not staring at him at all. Not even in his direction.

"Kara...do you worry about me?"

I look at him, opening my mouth to speak. I shut my mouth and look away, not able to come up with something. I am pretty lame sometimes.

He leans closer, placing his hand on my left hand. "Kara, you're allowed to have feelings for someone even if others see it as wrong. You have the right to your own opinion."

"I don't want to feel anything towards you, okay? Is that so wrong?" I ask him, looking at his hands on my one hand.

"Kara, that is wrong to do because then you're forcing yourself to feel something that you don't feel. You simply can't pretend to be someone you're not." Sometimes he can sound really intelligent. Who am I kidding? He almost always sounds intelligent!

"I'm sorry..."

"I thought I was going to lose you earlier. I know we're nothing exactly but I really do care for you and I find your actions reckless. I'm not worth dying over."

"What do you want from me?"

"I only want your love."

"Well, my boyfriend has that."

"Obviously, he isn't the only one. We can have an open relationship. He can learn how to share." Is he actually suggesting a way for us to be together? I can't date my friend's father!

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें