-Chapter 69

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-Chapter 69: What is Done is Done

I place my hands on the rail, leaning over it a bit. "Emu, you can't get rid of him! If you do that, you won't be able to transform! Besides, he is one of the men in my life I love and you can't just get rid of him! Not when I just got him back. We can always bring Nico back anyways! What is the deal anyways?" Honestly, why kill him just to accomplish nothing? Masamune is obviously doing this on purpose!

I have been working all day so I had no idea this was going on onto someone told me about it. That someone is Kiriya Kujo. I have to stop this somehow.

"Kara," Parad says, looking over at me before he goes to block Emu's critical strike. No, he's not going to make it! I'm too late.

"EMU!" I shout. "Stop!"

"Stop it!" Poppy shouts. "We need you to beat Cronus!"

I cover my eyes as a blast happens. My heart feels like it is sinking. Parad is going to die. I know that and I can feel that.

The flames disappear and I look at Parad, who is vanishing. Parad...I love him so much. I really do love him and care for him.

"Parad, no!" I shout, tears filling my eyes.

"No!" Parad screams, sounding like he's going to ball his eyes out. "Emu!" He reaches out for Emu and Emu does something, probably grabbing Parad's data, and causes him to vanish.

"Kara..." Kuroto sounds worried.

I can't think. I can move but I can't think. What am I going to do? What am I going to do without Parad? This is my fault for this happening. I could have stopped this battle.

"Kara, stop!" Poppy shouts and I feel myself drop.


(Serene's POV)

I look over next to me as I push myself off the ground. How did I get out of Kara's body? What just happened? Did something major happen? Did I kill her?

I look over my shoulder as I get up, seeing purple hair over someone's face. Kara! Is she...is she dead? Oh, wait! I'm still here.

"Kara!" I shout, moving over to her side. I drop down to my knees and place my hands on her face. She isn't moving at all. "Someone help me!"

Emu pops down beside me. "She just fell down off of that. I don't even think she knows that she did," Emu says, immediately placing his hands on her neck. "Grab her arm and touch her wrist. You should be able to locate a pulse. That is just in case I can't get one here. Sometimes it is hard to find one."

"Am I going to die?" I ask, lifting up Kara's arm and touching her wrist. "What just happened?"

"Parad is gone. She must have gone into shock," Emu states. "I had no choice and I caused this. How could I do this to Kara?" He removes his fingers from her neck. "I can't get anything. What about you?"

"I can feel something. She has a pulse but is she breathing?"

"I don't know. Let me try." He moves my hands from her and places his two fingers on her wrist, where I placed mine. "It is faint. Poppy, call for help now."

"I already did. Do I need to tell them that she's not breathing?"

"That would be nice if she wasn't but she is breathing but barley. It is like trying to suck in air but it isn't easy."


He looks at me, his eyes going wide. "I can't let you two die. Someone, give me a straw or something. NOW!" Emu shouts and Kuroto vanishes.

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