-Chapter 70

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-Chapter 70: Renewal

"How are you feeling this morning?" Hiiro asks me, fixing my bedsheets a bit. "Serene was watching over you all night. She currently has your Gashats and Gamer Driver since she is filling in for you while you're here."

"Serene is able to use them?" I sit up a bit, looking at my ex-boyfriend in confusion.

"Serene has your Human DNA in her because of the reprogramming to keep her in your body. However, that reprogramming came slightly undone when you fell from the building. In your desperate state to see your deceased lover again, you managed to overcome that reprogramming to free her," Hiiro tells me. "Serene is a very capable fighter. She hasn't found Cronus yet, which keeps this a secret."

"Hiiro, I should just confess to everyone about it. I can't hide this for the rest of my life," I state. "If I try to do that, what will it accomplish? What will it do?"

"You don't owe anyone anything about this. You're allowed to have children with whoever you please. Kara, I am not happy about the father of the children but it was your decision to have relations with him. I respect you for being an adult about this and not blaming others for your actions."

"I'm the one who chose to do it without protection. I know when I got pregnant. I know it for sure," I say, looking down. "It was the last time I was with Masamune. After I saved Parad, Masamune took me away to punish me. His punishment was just another sexual encounter that wasn't...well..."

"It is a bit awkward to talk about with you but we're adults and we are all going to have sex one day. Well, possibly." Hiiro pulls out a seat and I look at him as he sits down. "Go on, keep talking. I'll listen to you."

I nod my head. "It was rough sex."

"I see."

"I must have been pregnant a few weeks ago. I thought I just had a cold but I didn't go to an appointment to get my urine checked. I should have done that just to make sure everything was okay," I mutter out.

"Kara, what are you saying? Are you being hard on yourself? You may have screwed up a few times but don't let that get you down. You have learned from your experiences and you're becoming a better person thanks to it. Kuroto has been looking into how to raise children with you. He really wants this."

"How could he accept me so easily? Shouldn't he be upset with me?"

"Kuroto is aching but he knows that you truly love and care for him. He just thinks you want stuff sometimes and you went that far with Masamune because you wanted to be selfish. Besides, Kuroto thinks Masamune played off your insecurities. Masamune, in my opinion, wanted you for himself."

"And he got it..."

"I won't let him find out about your pregnancy. I'll have Serene Transform before any battles with him."

"Thank you, Hiiro."

Hiiro places his hands on mine, holding onto them gently. "I will always love you, Kara. You're one of kind," Hiiro tells me, smiling softly. "I'm going to go and check on everything. I think we may have a lead on where Masamune is."

"Thank you for checking on me. I know I'm a disappointment."

"You have disappointed me but we're over that now."

"You can be mad at me. You can even hate me, Hiiro. I did a lot of bad things. Foundation X..."

"Stop it."


"Focus on raising your children, okay? I bet they are going to be wonderful," he says. "I want to see them grow up with an awesome mother who thinks highly of herself. Please think highly of yourself and show them the real you. Be the person they want in their life."

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