"You are a huge jerk." I shake my head a bit, looking away from him. Why did I even start a useless relationship with this man? Now I'm stuck having his children and they're going to grow up without their daddy in the picture if he keeps being a douchebag.

"I don't care for your Bugster lover. Are you enjoying him once again, Kara? Do you two spend tons of time together hoping that it isn't the last moment you're going to have together?" he asks me and I look back at him. "Don't give me that look, Kara. I don't want to see your eyes like that." He removes his hand from the back of my head. I'm surprised he didn't force me to look at him.

"I am not giving you a look."

"You are and you know it."

"I'm not going to endorse your behavior, Masamune. Do you want to hang out with me or not? If you don't, I'll just find Parad and hang out with him. And we're not spending all of our free time together as if it is our last. You should know that, okay? Don't think that you know about us."

"You're an idiot sometimes," he states coldly.

"And you're an arrogant douchebag who thinks he is a God," I counter, smirking slightly. "So, our little outing is going to start now. How about we go and see a movie or something? Maybe have a picnic in the park?"

"How about I take you to a rose garden? Do you like roses a lot?" Masamune suggests, probably trying to be as romantic as possible.

"I enjoy staring at roses," I tell him. "So, let's do that. But, we're getting food first."

"And what would you like to it? Do you want your horrible dinner you know how to make? That makes you sick, right?" No, having twins in my uterus makes me sick because of them causing side effects. "You look like that is the last thing you want to do."

"I'm just wanting you to make something in the kitchen, alright?" I force a laugh out. "Anyways, that date should start now. Come on, let's go."

"Alright, I'm coming."


Masamune sits down on the blanket, eying me as I sit down next to him. I place the basket down in front of us and smile. This is a beautiful day for once.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how nice it is," I answer, opening the basket up. "You made a great meal here."

"I am glad you didn't look at it while I was preparing it," he says, laughing a bit. I wish we could have more moments like this instead of fighting all over the battlefield. "I hope you don't mind the drinks. I picked them out while you were sleeping at my house last time. I actually went to the store and bought this fizzy fruity drinks."

He pulls out a drink for me and I take it from him, staring down at it. "This is strawberry flavored! I love strawberries," I comment, grinning. "Masamune, these things are so delicious. The only other delicious thing you could have gotten me is some coffee. I really need my energy."

"You don't need more energy, Kara. When we were together, you had a ton of energy already," he states and my cheeks burn. Does he have to bring that up now? "Embarrassed?"

I shake my head and take off the lid of the drink, staring at it. "I have nothing to be embarrassed of, Masamune," I reply, placing the lid down back on it and pressing on it, sending the ball down into the glass bottle of the drink. "Time to drink this delicious drink."

I put the bottle up to my mouth and take a sip of the liquid in it. Gosh, it is just perfect! So sweet and sparkling! He really knows what I enjoy.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now