"You think I'm beautiful." I look up at him and smile. "Am I beautiful to you right now?"

"You know the answer to that, AOE."

"You can stop calling me that right now because Serene is AOE and I'm not at the moment. I'm no longer you product until I get my hands back on my game," I tell him, entering the kitchen and spinning around. "Woohoo! The floor is perfect for this!"

He sighs a bit. "You're such a child sometimes. Okay, I made you something delicious to eat. It is a traditional breakfast meal that I learned how to make from a recipe online. Do you like traditional Japanese food?"

"Depends on what kind of food you have for me, Masamune," I answer, looking over at the table. "Is that fish?"

"Ah, yes, I made some. I'm a very capable cook at times. Especially since I don't like eating out much and I don't have my wife around to make me food. Besides, you're not capable of making anything besides instant meals," he tells me, laughing a bit. "Come on, let us eat."

"I would brush my teeth first but I don't have that here. Did I leave the old one?"

"You probably did. I didn't toss anything you left here last time out," he answers, moving towards the table. He sits down and he picks up his chopsticks. "Are you good with chopsticks? We're going to be using them today instead of your typical silverware."

"I'm capable of using them," I state. "I'm not that bad at things."

"Then show me how you can use them, Kara."

"I'm glad you can call me that." I smile and move towards the table, picking up the extra set of chopsticks. I sit down opposite of him and look at all the dishes. "Wow...I haven't done this before."

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not. Your son isn't that good at being a husband," I answer. "We don't have meals as a family unless we're in the CR drinking some coffee and having some of Hiiro's cake. Occasionally, I bring in something. Anyways, is all of this cooked properly?"

"Doubting my cooking skills?"

I look up at him and shake my head. "No, I'm not. I'm sorry if I came off that way," I apologize. "I was just making sure I won't get sick from any of this."

"I can't promise that you won't but you will find it satisfying. Here, start with some of this." He points to the fish. "I made plenty. Also, have some of the omelet. That is what it is called in the USA, right?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, it is. Okay, I will have some."

"Dig in."

"I am."


"Why faster? Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Do you want to find out?"

"No," I answer, pouting slightly.

He laughs. "Just eat."

I nod again, looking down at the food. "I will."


"Where were you?" Parad asks me, standing up from the bed. "Did you get lost or something? Did he hold you hostage?"

I shake my head. "No, I was sleeping over at his house because I got sick when I was out with him. Don't worry, he doesn't know as far as I know about the babies. Gosh, I'm foolish." I touch my stomach and move towards Parad. "He didn't drop me off here. I had him drop me off at the hospital and I lied by saying I was going to work. Hiiro isn't going to let me work at this rate."

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now