Hurt Feelings

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Thank you for 500 followers!!! Not a lot but still considered a big accomplishment for me😂😊😊

*Y/N's POV*

"You okay?" Jin taps on my shoulder while holding the two cups coffee he just made for the both of us.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah.." I grabbed the mug, still staring at nothing.

"You sure? You really seem out of it today." He followed me to sit down at the couch. We were at my apartment and just woke up.

"It's just...I don't know..."

"Soo Mi?" He raised an eyebrow and my eyes shot up.


"It's okay." His full attention was now on me.

"I'm just what if she tries to do something?" I nervously took a sip out of the coffee and sighed.

"You'll be fine..I'll just protect you." I could feel his eyes on me.

"I mean...she really, like really liked you."

"'Liked' y/n. And she didn't even like me for who I was. She was obviously captivated by my looks." He ran his hand through his hair as he managed to make me smile a bit.

"Alright, alright, Mr. Handsome." I gulped down some coffee after waiting for it to cool down.

*Soo Mi's POV*

"That f*cking b*tch. It was because of y/n. Ughh when will she stop f*cking interfering!" I slammed my hands on the cafe table.

"What are you gonna do then? That b*tch ain't going anywhere if you don't do sum bout it." Hwayoung sipped her tea lightly.

I met Hwayoung at the high school I transferred to when I was with Jin oppa. We have so much in common.

"You're right. I'm gonna call my dad." I picked up my new gold iPhone X and called him.

"Hello princess~ I'm in a meeting right now so you're gonna have to hurry it up a bit okay?"

"Okay. Well can you fire ym/n for me please?" I sang.

"Why? Did something happen my darling?"

"It's just that her daughter has been being mean to me since high school..." I lied with a grin while playing with my newly painted nails.

"Ah..she's one of my best workers. I can lower her pay, is that good enough?"

" about her level thingy?"

"Yeah sure. Well I have to go now princess. Love you!"

"Love you too daddy." I smiled widely and ended the call.

"That was quick. Huh perks of having a rich and powerful dad I guess." Hwayoung took another sip from her coffee and rolled her eyes.

"I know. He treasures me so much." I scoffed and fixed my hair.

"Well anyways lets go shopping again."

"The same mall you went with Jin the other day?" She took out her bright red lipstick and slowly applied it.

"Don't bring him up please." A sigh escaped my mouth.

"Aww is little miss princess here heartbroken after getting dumped?" She pouted.

"Ugh it's so f*cling irritating. If that b*tch didn't show up I wouldn't been had him!" I crossed my arms.

"I...I was happy for once...even though I knew he never liked me..." my arms fell out of position and I laid my head on my palm.

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