"Hey bro, nice party you got here my kids couldn't get in the door quick enough" He held open the black bin bag so I could put the empty plates and left over food in.

"Yeah Annabelle seems happy, least I could do after Alison fucked up, I have to show them some sort of normality."

"I know man, your doing a good job, must be tough by yourself. Is she here?"

I shook my head 

"Don't think she's going to show, maybe I pushed her into a situation she's not comfortable I mean, I have made her life hell"

"Theres still time don't worry" 

He patted my shoulder and nodded, it was like a manly way of saying it was going to be ok

"Lets get this cake out"

There were 6 sparklers and a ton of candles, lighting them all was hard enough. As soon as she seen it her face lit up she ran straight into my arms, I picked her up and lifted her up to blow the candles out

"This is the best day ever daddy thank you" 

It was now 5pm the party was winding down, the kids were still on a high sugar buzz and there was still no sign of Mia. 

"Im gonna call her, I can't wait anymore"

I took out my phone and began to dial her number tapping my foot in the process 

"This call cannot be connected"

I froze in the spot, and tried to call her again but the same thing happened. Panic started to set it, I began to tap my foot on the ground. 

"Well, where is she"

I looked at my brother and he instantly knew something was wrong 

"Alex talk to me where is she" 

"I... I don't know her phone isn't connecting"

"Well go to her apartment we will look after the kids, go now!"

I ran out of the house, into my car and drove like a mad man until I made it to her apartment. I jammed the button on the lift a few times but nothing happened, I then decided to take the stairs.  

I found her door and knocked

"Mia, Mia are you in there, Mia please open up I'm sorry if it was too much just please hear me out" 

I continued to bang and then put my ear up to the door to see if I could hear anything

"Excuse me sir"

I turn around and there is a old woman standing at other door, I now realise that this is her neighbour

"Yes, hello sorry for the shouting do you know where Mia is its urgent"

"She's gone" She replied

"What... what do you mean gone.. gone where"

"I don't know she packed up last night said she was leaving" 

Those words, were the words I didn't want to hear, she's gone she's really really gone. She left me. 

I made my way back to the house and by now the party was well and truly over. My brother and his wife had cleaned up and as I walked in handed me a bottle of beer

"Well" he asked

"She's gone" I stared at the tiles on the ground completely broken

"You will find her, I know you will"

"What the fuck man,"I spat

"Havent I been through enough this past year, why why did she leave me I need her I need her in my life. How the fuck am I supposed to bring up 3 kids alone I admit I fucked my wife over but she fucked me and the kids up too" 

I slammed the beer down on the table and placed my head in my hands

"The business is going downhill one of our competitors are buying our shares and I cant even work properly because I have to look after the kids, Im struggling here"

"Stop it, stop feeling sorry for yourself, you made yourself in this mess when you had a mistress and ignored your wife"

His words cut me like a knife, he was right and I couldn't even argue with him

"But your a good man, you created this life and made it better you can fix this" 

I knew I needed to find her, I needed to tell her how much I love and miss her. I cannot let her out of my life again and I was willing to do everything in my power to get her back. 

The Unknown MistressWhere stories live. Discover now