IIFTLR- Epilogue

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Official ending :'( Anyway enjoy it guys :)

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Nikki’s P.O.V


“Where are you taking me?” My beautiful husband’s voice questions as we take slow, tentative steps forward.

“Somewhere,” I cheekily answer back.

“You better not be leading be around the backyard for no reason Nikki,” He says sternly with amusement flooding through his words.

Suddenly deja vu hits me and burst out laughing, “What?!” Demitri asks, moving his head to get out my grip, which only causes me to hold my grip tighter.

“Stop moving your head,” I say in between my laughter. When I settle and Demitri stops moving his head, I tell him, “Okay, haven’t we been in a very similar predicament years ago?”

“What are you ta- Oh wait, yea I remember, I lead you around my backyard to our second/ repeat first date, gee that was almost 15 years ago.” Demitri responds with a happy tone.

“I know time goes by quick, now keep moving we are almost there.” I say to him, nudging his back with my arm.

“Alright, alright, I am moving, although I really hate the fact that you are leading me around somewhere I have no idea is.” Demitri complains.

“Oh gee, suck it up, you know we are at my old house, in the backyard, you aren’t that much in the dark!” I scoff at his exaggeration. “Okay…..stop.” We both stop at the same time. I give a shaky breath and release my hands from his eyes.

I move beside him and observe his reaction, amusement and confusion embed themselves onto his features. “Where are we?” His eyes scan the wooden gazebo that hasn’t be sat under in years, the glimmering pond to the side of it that still has a few fish happily swimming around.

“This place is my haven.” I answer with a smile, my eyes still admiring the trees and garden surrounding it. “My safe spot, the place that I went when I didn’t want to be anywhere, the place that I went to cry or laugh or reminisce, my place that I never showed to anyone, except now…you.”

“You haven’t shown anyone, including Esme?” he asks. I know he is looking at me but I stare straight ahead at the scenery.

I give my head a shake, “No one.”

“Why?” he asks confused but amazed as well.

“Because this is my spot and I didn’t want anyone invading it.” My eyes take in the intricate details in the wooden posts, the small flowers carved in and the real flowers hanging beside them, “You are my husband, my best friend, the person that is now a part of me. You and I are one, keeping this away from you is like keeping it away from part of myself.”

I finally turn my head to him to see his reaction. His eyes bore onto my face, they slightly water, only the slightest before he blinks and they go.

He lifts his hands up and they gently cup my cheeks, his head dips down. His lips, less than a centimetre from mine, whisper, “I love you with everything I have αγάπημου. (my love)”


“MAMA!” Little Sophia yells from the living room of my childhood home.

“Yes, Sophia what’s wrong?” I ask walking in to the room. She is sitting on the floor with her colouring book and pencils. For a 6year old she is pretty good, always making sure to stay in lines and that the colours go well with each other.

In It For The Long Run (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now