IIFTLR- Dealing With Your Demons

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How is everybody? 

I am so excited, I am few reads away from a thousand!! I know, some people are like yayy a billion reads and I'm sitting here yayy I got a vote ;) But still, all votes, comment and reads are appreciated like crazy! It motivates me to keep going with this story :Dthank you all for every thing <3

Enjoy the chapter ;)

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HAPPY reading <3


Chapter 27

Demitri’s P.O.V

I let out a slightly nervous breath, “We found out who plays a major part in all of this, I know it’s David Tomson.”

Her eyes immediately widen at my confession and she gulps.

“Y-you al-already kn-new?” she stutters out.

I nod my head and continue stroking her hair in hopes of it being received as a way to calm her nerves.

“Yea, well we found footage of him at the hospital when you and I were there but we didn’t really know who he was until you got taken and I called Esme to come and see if she recognises any of our suspects. And she did, she saw David and immediately told us who he was.” I explain softly.

She closes her eyes and takes a calming breathe, “So the rat told Xavier that you know it’s David behind this all?” she asks so quietly my ears strained to pick up on the words.

I gulp, knowing I have to lie right now, her knowing that David’s father is behind all of this may potentially harm her further. Obviously this man has some strange vendetta against the girls, well Esme not so much be she is obviously involved in one way or another.

“Yes.” I croak out.

I immediately notice how her breathing fastens and her eyes become frantic. I panic.

“Did he explain how you guys know?” I instantly understand her worry, she thinks that David may follow through whatever threat he threw at her because he thinks she spilled.

“Yes, he did. He explained how we found out before you came back and it wasn’t you who told.” Her body relaxes at the words and she lets out a long sigh.

“You thought David may have thought you told?” I ask her gently. She nods her head with teary eyes.

“Oh αγάπημηνκλαίς. (love, don’t cry.)” I pull her closer as she nuzzles her head against my torso. She inhales and exhales, obviously breathing in my scent but I chose to not comment on the action.

After a few moments she relaxes once again. Pulling her head back she looks me in the eye, “It’s crazy.” She simply says.

I look at her with confusion written across my features, “What is?”

She looks at me strangely but with a smile across her lips, “One whiff of your scent immediately helps calm me down.”

I smile at her comment and let out a little chuckle as well. We fall into a lapse of comfortable silence, her staring at the wall lost in her thoughts while I stare at the side of her face lost in my own concerns and worries.

“Now that David has found out that we know it’s him, does that mean you want to and are able to talk about whatever happened when you were gone?” I ask quietly in hopes of it not startling her too much.

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