IIFTLR- Come To Me

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Sup Everyone :)

I am very sorry that this chapter is late, I know I have been late with the past few chapters and I apologise but it was a bit hectic with Easter and since I am Greek the celebrations are a tad more time consuming. On that note: HAPPY EASTER for last week, I hope you all had a great time celebrating the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for his only son that died on the cross and rose again to save us :)

Anyway, I think there is two chapters after this and then VOILA, the story will be done :) :( Happy and kind of sad about that but oh well :) Hopefully I will be writing more stories on here and maybe the sequel :)

Comment your thoughts ;)

Vote if you like :)



Chapter 40

Nikki’s P.O.V

“NIKKI!” My mother screeches with wide arms, sprinting forward and nearly bolting my shocked body over.

“Mum?” I whisper out in confusion, “Dad?” My eyes rise to meet the eyes of the sudden guests.

I hug my mother in return, relishing in the fact that she is here with me; here after so long.

“What are you guys all doing here?” I ask, confusion riddled through my expression but not lacking the excitement bubbling inside me. My mum lets go of me and steps back to where everyone else is. I avoid proper eye contact with my father, unsure of where we are standing since the last time we spoke.

“Why don’t you let them all enter first then you can question them all you want.” I hear Demitri’s amused voice suggest, following his footsteps that stop behind me.

“Oh yea, come in.” I step the side motioning my hand for them to enter. Carlos enters from behind us and smiles to everyone.

“Here let us help you with those.” Carlos suggests, stepping forward with Demitri by his side to grab the luggage in their hands.

Demitri and Carlos wonder off up the stairs to take the luggage to the spare rooms. I look around confused but lead our families up into the kitchen where everyone else is at.

“Esme guess who is here?” I state stepping to the side for, allowing Esme’s view widen to see our parents.

“OH MY GOSH!” Esme screams out, disbelief and happiness evident on her features. After everyone meets everyone, the question lingering on my thoughts, as is probably on everyone else’s leaves my lips.

“So why are you guys here?” I ask as we all surround the marble bench-top.

“We invited them.” Carlos confesses, walking in with Demitri beside him.

Esme and I’s mouths drop open in shock. Demitri comes over and stands in front of me, one hand around my waist the other under my chin, lifting it back in place, “Careful, you might catch some flies.” His hand lifts up and caresses my cheek lightly.  My eyes fill with unshed tears before I crash my lips onto his.

The kiss last for a couple seconds past appropriate before we hear someone clearing their throat. I blush realising I was practically making out with my fiance in front of my family.

I clear my throat awkwardly, “Um so how long you guys staying?” I ask, my voice slightly adjusting back to normal.

“We are staying for two weeks from today.” Abigail, Esme’s mum answers for them with a beaming and excited smile on her face.

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