IIFTLR- Missing Opportunities

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Chapter 28

Nikki’s P.O.V

“So what is this grand idea you have that made you get up at such an ungodly hour?” I ask my future mother in law as I try rub the sleep from my eyes.

Currently, Esme, Carlos, Demitri and I are seated around the off white, marble island bench-top in our kitchen waiting for the grand idea Ramona seemingly had.

I bring the hot steaming cup of coffee to my lips and moan quietly in appreciation. When I look up I notice Demitri giving me an amused look, he leans in and whispers in my ear, “I should be the one getting you to make those sounds not a cup of coffee.” He teases with small chuckle.

I immediately become beet red in my cheeks. Ramona, Esme and Carlos give me an amused look which causes me to become even more scarlet in the face.

“Okay the reason I am here at 9 in the morning,” Ramona starts to explain with an emphases on the current time. I scoff at the unnecessary addition to her explanation. I give her a smile, just to show her that I am only teasing her, I wouldn’t want any bad blood between the woman that helped raise the man I will marry, no matter how small.

She smiles back to me with a wink before going back to the explanation, “Well, I thought that we could have a party here.” She exclaims with a beaming smile.

“A party?” Carlos asks with confused look on his face. Demitri’s face mirrors the same expression while Esme and I have the biggest smiles on our face. Esme leans over as do I and we immediately high five.

“WOOH!! A party man! Miss ‘em with a PASSION!” She exclaims with a giant grin and a fist pump. Ramona and I simply chuckle at her actions but Carlos and Demitri share an expression of amusement mixed with fear.

“Um sorry to disturb this strange… whatever this is. But why are we having a party? I don’t even think it is one hundred percent safe for us to have the house open like that.” Demitri explains with a hesitant and worried expression.

Esme and I immediately pout at his near instant shut down of the idea.  “An engagement party of course. We have to introduce the girls to all the family. We will call everyone in, even your cousins from America. They will all come to meet these two wonderful girls.” Ramona encourages as she walks around and giving both Esme and I’s shoulders a squeeze.

I turn and smile to her but my smile immediately falters when I notice Demitri and Carlos’ expressions. Their face shows their feelings clearly; hesitation, worry and anxiety.

“No, not with all that is going on. We can’t risk it, with the party going in full swing it could be a perfect opportunity for an attack.” Carlos angrily expresses. I know his anger is in the right place though.  It is nowhere near aimed toward any of the people in the room at the moment, it is aimed toward the people that have managed to create this fear and unnecessary worry within us. The anger is there in regards to our safety and wellbeing.

I let out a frustrated sigh when I notice Demitri agreeing with a nod. I walk over to where Demitri is standing and grab his wrist gently before tugging him along to my bedroom.

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