IIFTLR- Blood Boils

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HEllooo :)

New chapter for you all :) Hope you enjoy it <3

Not too many chapters to go, planning 5-8 more probably, depending on how I feel about it. 


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HAPPY ReadinG <3


Chapter 35

Demitri’s P.O.V (Earlier)

“Demitri, stop. I’ll go to her. You stay here and see what he wants. NO, STOP.” Esme tries to block me from getting to Nikki. Why is she upset? Is it because David’s here? I knew I shouldn’t have let them stay and listen.

“Esme, leave me to go to her, NOW.” I growl out slowly.

“Stay here. This is a girl situation. Let me handle it.” She tries again.

“But-,” I start quieter than before, feeling slightly defeated.

“No buts. Stay here.” She says quieter. I reluctantly nod and watch her run out of the room to my fiancé’s aid.

I let out a frustrated growl before sitting myself back down. Carlos comes over and joins me on the couch, so that we are all closer.

“You really love her don’t you?” My head snaps up to the sound of David’s softened voice. I stare at his face, my eyes glaring, his soft and sad.

“And you should be thankful for that or else you’d be dead right now.” I growl out with a snarl.

“I’m glad someone is showing her the love she deserves.” He says as he looks to the floor guiltily.

I look to Carlos and he is just as puzzled as I am. David clears his throat quickly and as fast as his guilty and real expression came, it left.

His demeanour is hard, serious and almost robotic. “Now there is a reason I am here. I am here because I have a preposition for you two.”

We look to him sceptically, waiting for what is to come. “Think of it more like a business transaction or maybe even a peace wager.”

“Get on with it, David.” Carlos snaps, both his and my patience running thin.

“If you comply with my request, I will stop the threats and any planned and future plans of wrong toward your gang, yourselves included and also the girls. Also I am offering 17% of our profits in our global distribution of armed weaponry and narcotics.”


“And what exactly is your ‘request’?” I emotionlessly ask. My face is blank, showing no lack of interest but not showing my interest either.

“My request is simple.” He confidently states, leaning back in the single couch. “All I need you two to do, is to call Pavlos Denopolous and David Montez, and invite them here to Italy, because their dear daughters miss them oh so much and to join you for the engagement party I heard is happening.”

“And why would you need that done?” Carlos asks, his face also deceivingly blank and unaware. We both have a pretty good idea of why but he doesn’t.

“Oh I have my reasons.”

“What would be required of us when they come here? Because we all know that there is more you are planning other than a simple hello.” Carlos states.

In It For The Long Run (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now