"Aw you finally got someone who is more uglier than you~" the princess of the devil came up, her yellow green eyes gazing at Oliver, she slowly prowled over. "I'm surprised you found something unique about 'this,' I thought it was just a soulless one eyed monster." She chuckled before walking away with her boyfriend trailing behind her.

"Beautiful flower huh? She seems to be of a weed instead of a flower." Haku suddenly popped up.

Oliver turned around, "You and Len always do this!" He clenched his chest.

She smiled, "So what you guys doing tonight? Each other or no?"

"Haku-chan!" I glared at her before she chuckled, "What? I just wanted to know~ so what you gonna do about this Alyss girl?"

"Do you listen to our every conversation?"

"Well first off you made me go onto the roof and just left me there alone so what else was I supposed to do?"

"Go back to class?"

"Hmm no." She hummed, "Listening to you guys was like watching a dramatic scene from an anime. You're lucky, I almost teared up from the cuteness." She smirked, wiping a fake tear. "Anyways I think you should probably grab every weapon in the world and just kill her in the most gruesome way ever."

"First off I would go to jail so no and second Oliver doesn't want no violence involved sooooo..." I raised my hands giving her a 'I don't know' pose.

"Oliver, Oliver, Oliver~" she placed an arm around his shoulder, "The world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows~"

"I know that! But I'd prefer a more of a clean battle instead of intense gore!"

"Intense gore is the best!" She laughed, "Anyways if you need any killings done just let me know and I'll get some people who would be pleased to do the bidding!"

"I would ask how you know such people but I'd rather not ask."

"They're in this school right now, Mayu-chan, Tei-chan, and Kiku-chan! There is someone else but I forgot her name..."

I glanced at her, "Well then..." I didn't know what else to say. "From what you said before, I'm not sure what I'll do about Alyss. Right now I'll just hope she's just a fictional girl."

"Yup! Though if she's real then we'll have to do a Alyss human sacrifice!"


You placed down a paper, so these are the possible suspects that will soon kill~






Alyss's sister

My mom (omg lmao that would be one hell of a twist XD)



I stared at the paper with a blank expression, these are the people who are quite violent so they might be the culprit.

I sighed, what should I do?

"Sweetie?" My mother suddenly came up behind me startling me.


"Would you like to come with me to visit Kaya?"

My mind flashed back to the first time we went there, my worst nightmare coming true, "Uh n-no it's fine! I have tons of homework that I need to do!" I hid the paper with the suspects names on it.

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now