And to my mom's dismay,l crossed the line at dresses.I bought a few and some skirts too,just to please her,but l doubted l would ever wear them.

By the time Adam and Peter arrived with the moving truck,l was dressed in D&G dark skinny jeans,a form fitting short sleeved black shirt and black heels.I was only wearing mascara,but it was enough to make my eyes stand out,and lip gloss.My hair was up in a messy looking pony tail and l felt amazing.I didn't feel self consience like l usually did with my old clothes.Now l felt...good.

And you know what the best part was?





"Hi peter."I said.I turned to Adam,who kept looking at me like he couldn't believe it."Adam"

"Hi Serena,how are you?"Peter asked,smiling.

"Great."and I meant it.

"Hi"Adam said,turning away.

The movers walked past us,carrying boxes of my clothes and my picture frames.

"Honey!",my mom called out,coming from the kitchen,she walked over to Peter and gave him a hug,"How are ya,Adam"

"Fine",he answered,taking a quick glimpse of me.

We went to the My moms' car,which Peter would be driving,since he knew the way to his house obviously,and I sat in the back with Adam,who was on his phone,but kept looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I felt good about myself.But what made me feel better was that Adam's words no longer affected me.

As soon as I saw the sign that said"welcome to Piscataway"I began to imagine my house.

Maybe it would be a mansion,with a pool and a large garden!I always wanted a personal garden,where i could go out to relax.

But when we pulled up to a house that was far from being a mansion,it all came down to me.

Peter and Adam weren't wealthy.

OK,i'm not a stuck up snob,I could care less if Peter and Adam had money or not.I was just surprised.My mom always married wealthy men.But knowing that Peter wasn't wealthy,and that he wanted to live in his small home,and not in our beautiful,glamorous penthouse,gave me a sense that Peter wanted my mom for her,not her money.And that was super comforting.

We pulled up to the white 2 story house.It was pretty and in a nice community,like the ones you see in cheesy Christmas movies.

I got out of the car,and looked up at it.Not so bad.Yet I would still give my left limb to return to New York.

"So,what do you think?",My mom asked,smiling as she looked up at the house.

"It's nice."I said.I wasn't about to admit how I was already homesick even though we've been here for less than 2 minutes.

We went inside the house,and Peter said,"Home,sweet home!"

"Oh,it's lovely!",my mom exclaimed.

It was pretty nice.And organized which surprised me since in my  mind the male gender were all slobs.

Adam came in and threw my suitcase on the floor as soon as mom and Peter headed to the living room,"This isn't the Upper East Side anymore,princess,"he retorted rudely,"you have to carry your own things."

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