chapter 17

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I went over to Alexis's place the next day just to avoid Adam.I didn't want to see him because I felt angry at myself for letting me get feelings for him in the first place when I knew this could never go anywhere.I was just that girl he made out with once,and who was now his step sister.And it would Always stay that way.

Finally Tuesday arrived and we got to go home,where I would no longer have to see Hailey barging into my house,and where Adam had all his friends whom he spent most of the day with.

I decided it,this was my own fault.I got Adam into my head and heart,and now I was going to have to take him out.

If Adam noticed my sudden change in attitude,he didn't say it,although he still tried to talk to me.

On that Tuesday evening,a soccer game was on.I was hoping Adam would've gone out with his friends,but he stayed home with me while mom and Peter were out grocery shopping.

"What's the score?"He asked,joining me on the same sofa I was on.

"3-1."I answered briefly,not in any mood to start a conversation with him.Sure,Adam didn't deserve for me to be rude to him,but for my own sake,I didn't want to open up to him or be close to him,because every time I was,I just wanted to tell him how I loved him and how I didn't care about how rude he was,all I cared was about the person he was when we were alone.The sweet,funny sensitive guy who made me fall head over heels for him.

"So,I'm sure you're happy your team is winning."he continued,looking at me,waiting for me to say some sassy remark.

"Yeah."Was all I said.

He sat back into the sofa and I felt his confusion of my attitude.I felt guilty,but once again,I couldn't be too close or friendly with Adam,unless I wanted to end up being more heart broken than I already was.

He stood up and just left,which shows how interested he was in my behavior.And yes,I'm being sarcastic.

By that Friday,Adam and I hadn't exchanged more than two words since that night.He noticed that I wasn't interested in talking and he obviously wasn't interested in finding the reason why.

That night,as I was getting ready to just stay home in bed and read a book,someone knocked on my door.

"Come in."I called,hoping it wasn't Adam,since I had my hair up in a messy bun and I was wearing my pajamas with little horses on them.

It was Adam.

"Hey,"He said standing in the doorway,looking so sexy in a navy and white rugby shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows,that showed his well defined body,and jeans.

"Hi."I said,sitting up,trying to look as serious as I could although I could feel the drool starting to trickle out of the corners of my mouth.

"Um,I'm going to a party and I just wanted to see if you wanted to come."He said,looking unsurely.

I hesitated for that second,but said,"Sure.I'll be ready in 15 minutes."

He nodded,still standing in the doorway.He opened his mouth to say something,but closed it again and left,shutting the door behind him.

I sighed and searched in my closet for something casual to wear.I was definitely not going to repeat the Jake's party incident with the micro mini skirt.I'm pretty sure everyone saw my underwear when Adam carried me.So i chose a pair of white shorts with a pink pintuck cami and matching sandals.

I took my hair out of its bun and it came out wavy and under control.Well,I guess I didn't have to fix my hair!

I put on chap stick and went downstairs,where Adam was waiting patiently.He looked up and took a double take of me,but cleared his throat and said"Come on."

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