chapter 4

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I didn't see Adam for the rest of the week which was for the best since the most he had said to me was,"can you shut the hell up,"when I was talking on the phone to Alexis while he was watching sportscenter.All I said back was,"go to hell."

Obviously,things were not getting any better.

I was supposed to see him on Friday for the rehearsal dinner,which i could already percieve,that a disaster would occur.

That Friday,while Ronnie finished putting the finishing touches on my make up and began on my hair, Alexis said,"If he says something to you,I will snap!"

l giggled since l couldn't picture Alexis mad,"Nothing's gonna happen Alexis.''

"Fini!!"Ronnie said,as he put a Little pearl clip in my hair,that was re-straightened and most of it was parted to the left with the tiny clip pulling a few strands of my right side back.Then in a micro second,the tank top l had on was pulled over my head,while l felt Alexis pull down my mini skirt, and l was standing there in my bra in underwear,as Alexis came over with my dress.

"Jeez who gave you guys permission to strip me naked?"i asked

They both giggled and Alexis said,"You're going to look so hot sweetie.Red is definitely your color."

"Oh la la",Ronnie said,wiggling his eyebrows,"are we trying to seduce somebody tonight?"

l gave him a sarcastic look,"there will be no seducing tonight,Ronnie.The last time i "seduced"somebody,it turned out that i was soon to be related to them."

He rolled his eyes as he helped me into the dress that Alexis had bought for me,since i didn't own any new dresses,and wearing a dress you already wore to these parties was a fashion No-No.

"Beautiful",Alexis admired."I wish my boobs were as big as yours!"

I giggled embarrassed as i put on a pair of black Chanel 4 inch stilettos and looked at myself in the mirror.Woah,i didn't look bad.Too bad I hated dresses and would do anything to wear jeans and sneakers all day.

Hey,maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.

Tonight was a disaster.

Not only did I trip down the steps as i did my 'grand entrance" with my future family (and of course Adam practically flitted down those steps gracefully)but when I was in the middle of Talking to Tyra Banks(who loved using my mom's cosmetics on her models for America's next top model)she jokingly asked me what other show,besides hers,was my favorite.I was trying to choose between Gossip Girl and How I met your mother,when Adam said,"I think she wants an answer for today.I know its hard to answer such a difficult question for your small IQ ,but why don't you just say "the wonder pets"or something?"

Tyra gaped and i gave her an"excuse us"look.

When she left, I turned to Adam and said,"No need to be such an ass OK.And for your information,I have a pretty high IQ."

He rolled his eyes.Sure,he looked sexy in a gray button shirt,black tie,and trousers,but he was SO RUDE!!

"Why are you being such a jerk?"I exclaimed,not being able to take it anymore.

The people around us turned to stare,including Alexis,who was busy flirting with my cousin,Leo.

"Could you be any louder?!"Adam hissed

"Actually i can!Do you want me too?!" I threatened.

He sighed,"i'm not being a jerk.You're the difficult one!"

My jaw dropped as I felt anger bubbling inside of me,which was surprising since I was one of the most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet."you're the one who's been a jerk even though we..."I choked up,which got me angrier since I hated what he was doing to me.

He let out a deep breath,grabbed my wrist lightly and led me outside the restaurant.

He looked at me hard before saying,"We have to forget what happened."

l felt my heart beating hard.Forget? How could l forget the way his hand would send electric currents through my body?How can l forget those lips that kissed mine which such passion?And how can l forget the way he smiled at me and looked at me during those minutes in the closet?

Then it happened:i had an epiphany.

This guy was a total deuchbag!

I was willing to continue this thing between us,even if it was secretly, but he was a coward!He was wiling to let go of the magic we shared  just so that he didn't have to be tied down!He knew that if he would have a secret relationship with me,he knew that if he would try to break it off,it would be hard to get rid of me since we would be living in the same house!And he didn't' want any of that drama because he was OBVIOUSLY A PLAYER!He was probably horny that night so he found me,a desperate girl who he knew would fall for that"Bella"shit!

I felt so used.

And I felt the affection I had gotten him slowly leave me.Now I was filled with despise."you know what?"I began"we do have to forget what happened that night."

He looked at the ground,and he had a weird expression on his face.I guess he had expected me to beg or something.

"i mean"I started laughing,"you weren't even that good!"

He looked offended and said in a defensive tone,"for your information,girls say i'm VERY good.And you weren't so hot either!!"

No der,I was a beginner.But he wasn't about to know that."I thought you were a sweet guy!"I exclaimed,"but now I DON'T LIKE YOU!"

He frowned and blushed,"l don't like you either."

Unlike me,he said it in a quiet voice.

But then he cleared his throat and said in a stronger voice,"l dont like you either AT ALL!!"

l groaned,"Ugh!l can't believe you're going to be my step brother!"

"You think I'm happy about this !"he yelled

"Screw You!"I yelled

"I bet you'd like that!"he yelled back.

I glared at him

he shook his head in disappointment and I thought for a small second that he was hurt."I can't believe I thought you were so nice!I even called you Bella!"

I shook my head,disgusted,"You probably say that to Every girl!"

He looked down at the ground and said in a softer voice,"No,you're the first girl I actually.."he stopped"Forget it."and he went back inside.

Suddenly i felt  the little affection i had for him return along with my tears.

"Calm down sweetie"Alexis consoled me in the bathroom,as the mascara streaked down my face.

I told her l was upset about the things Adam had said.It was all partially true but what was really bothering me was my confusion.I hated Adam yet i felt bad for hating him.

"What are you going to do?"she asked when i was calmer.

"i don't know",i answered"I just can't stand him!"

"You don't have to like him.You can just pretend to like him in front of your mom.And when you two are alone,you can treat him like the deuch he is!"

"I will!"I said,sitting up,"This is the new and improved serena!"

"The one that has a backbone!"Alexis added,"the new,flirty,and strong Serena!"

I smiled,"I'm not going to let Adam mess with me!"

I couldn't say that I wasn't going to let him mess with my feelings.It was too late for that.

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