chapter 2

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  "Stepbrother!!" We both exclaimed at the same time.

  The whole room got quiet at our outburst.

  "Yeah",Peter said,with a confused look on his face. Now that I saw Peter up close, I couldn't help but notice how he had Ste- I mean Adam's same chesnut brown hair, and the same full lips and straight nose. "It's nice to see that you both are the same age," Peter began with a happy smile on his face.

  Adam walked slowly towards us, a look of disbelief in his face, and grabbed a wine glass as Peter toasted, "To my beautiful new family!"

  "Cheers!"everyone said and drowned down the sweet wine.

  "Go get to know Adam." My mother whispered/practically forced me.

  "He's a really nice kid," Peter added, as if Adam weren't standing right next to him, listening to the hushed whispers, "very talented too."

  I couldn't agree anymore.

  We headed back to the table, everyone resuming their normal conversations as the waiters served the first course of dinner. And sadly, (and awkwardly), I had to sit across of the guy I had just gotten done making out with.

AKA my future stepbrother, Adam.

I moved the lettuce around my dinner plate, losing all my hunger as I tried to deal with this awkward situation. I looked up and noticed Adam doing the same thng as me, a thoughtful, and kind of angry, expression on his face.

  Slowly,I felt the magic we had earlier tear up. Sure, he was sexy, and had the lips of an angel, but he was going to be my STEPBROTHER!! This was practically incest!!

Okay, maybe I was being a bit melodramatic.

I fidgeted in my chair and our legs touched. There was a tiny spark, atleast on my part, but we still pulled away quickly.

"Adam,tell Serena about your future Plans." Peter told Adam, patting his back, encouraging him.

  Without meeting my eyes,he answered, "I, uh, wanna apply for stanford and become a lawyer." He looked back down at his plate of food.

"That's nice." I said flatly, taking a big gulp of my mom's wine.

  "Hey, hey," she scolded, practically prying the glass away from my hands,  "remember, you're still only 17."

I rolled my eyes at her, but resumed to akwardly stare down at my plate.

"It's great how you and Adam are the same age," Peter commented, giving me a nice smile. That was a first. Usually all of mom's ex's avoided me. "You can both be in the same grade at Piscataway High school."

  I choked on my cherry tomatoe. "What!?" I coughed out, Adam giving me an annoyed look, while mom gave Peter a look that said "I was waiting for the right moment to tell her that I was going to drag her away of the only life she's known to go live at the suburbs of New Jersey!"

  "Well,we thought that maybe we could move to Piscataway," my mom said innocently, as if she couldn't understand why I was making such a big deal about this.

  "Mom!"I yelled, in a way that made me seemed like a spoiled brat, "I've lived in the upper east side my whole life! You can't make me switch high school for my last year of high school!"

  I was so  embarrassed that I was whining and that I was on the verge of crying in front of Adam,but seriously,was this woman trying to ruin my life??

"Why not just for the summer then?" Peter suggested. "And if you don't like it,  we can return to New York. I'm pretty sure Adam could adjust to a new school."

  Adam gaped and exclaimed, ''Why should I have to sacrifice a year with my friends for this Upper east side princess?!"

I gasped and Peter yelled, "ADAM!"

  "Well,I am NOT going to sacrifice MY year EITHER,for this arrogant,cocky JERK!!" I yelled,felling more hurt than mad at Adam's comment.

Now my mom yelled, "SERENA!" She looked surpised at the way we were both acting towards eachother. But seriously,what did she expect? For Adam and I to skip, while we held hands in a meadow? Things were already tense enough with the "situation" that had occured earlier! "Apologize," she ordered me.

  I tried not to roll my eyes,and looking at Adam, I said, "Sorry."

  He looked up at me and for a brief second I felt myself get dizzy with those beautiful navy blue eyes, "I'm sorry too."

  But not as sorry as I was.

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