chapter 1

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I hate parties.

I mean, I'm not anti-social or whatever, but if you ever attended an Upper East side party, with straight faced socialites who couldn't even smile because of their recent Botox injections, and with orchestral music, and strangers telling you, "Long time,no see!" You would hate these parties too.

  And I thought it was absolutely ridiculous how my mom was throwing a party to introduce everyone to her fiance who she's only known for 3 months! Seriously, my mom knew her therapist longer than she knew this guy!

So when I got to the party, I was bored out of my mind, sitting at the "table of honor" with my best friend Alexis, who was busy throwing smiles at the guy across the room who kept smiling back at her.

  I sulked as the waiter offered me hor d'ouvres for the 6th time and walked out of the reception room, heading towards the ladies room. It was busy so I decided to go to what became my hiding place here at the Plaza Hotel.

  After being here for what seemed like a million social gatherings, i had to find a place to vent for when I couldn't take it anymore.That place, was the janitor's closet.

  I opened the closet and found the lights off. I made sure no one was watching and I snuck in, shutting the door behind me, feeling the walls as I searched for the light switch. I was in the middle of searching when I fell on top of someone.

  "Ow!" I heard a deep voice call out in pain.

  I screamed, officially deciding that today would be the day I would be raped and murdered, when the stranger clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shh relax." He said softly as he gently set me on the floor, and I heard his footsteps as he walked over and turned the lights on.

  I was facing, who must of been the sexiest guy ever. Maybe sexier than my soccer idol Cristiano Ronaldo.

  He had wavy chesnut brown hair that looked so soft and glossy and the type that you just wanted to run your fingers through, big navy eyes surrounded by thick lashes, and a nice fit body,the kind that showed he worked out,but wasn't a meat head.i was positive,that under that blue button shirt, was a God-worthy 6 pack.

  I had to tilt my head back to look at him, since he must've been about 6'2 (and I was sitting on the ground) and asked, "What are you doing in here?"

  I stood up and sat down on what was an empty box,but didn't know it, so I ended up falling in it.

The stranger laughed and pulled me up while I was blushing ferociously.Why was it that I always made a fool of myself in front of hot guys!

He smiled,revealing a set of beautiful white teeth. "I could ask you the same thing..." His eyes suddenly narrowed down below me...

  And I realized my dress was pulled up really high, almost revealing my black Cosabella underwear.

I pulled it down quickly, turning my head so that he wouldn't see the effect he was having on me.

"I asked you first."

He shrugged and leaned casually against a shelf filled with rat poison, "I just needed a break, so I came in here. What about you?"

"The same. "I answered, hoping I looked as cool and non-chalant as he did, even though my stomach was doing somersaults.

He nodded and kept staring at me with a sly smirk, making me blush harder. "What are you looking at?" I asked anxiously, hoping a booger wasn't creeping out my nose or something.

  He smiled. "You're really pretty." He said casually.


  I looked away and shyly, "Stop, you don't mean that." Jeez, could I sound anymore insecure?!

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