chapter 23

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I was laying on my bed one evening in mid August,home alone,which was rare since Adam usually stayed home with me when our parents went out so that we could be alone together,but that evening he was starting his football practices.

My cell phone rang,and without glancing at the screen,a smile came over my face and I answered in my cheery voice,"Hey,you."

"WELL,you sound happy."I recognized the high pitch voice at the other end belonging to Alexis,and not Adam,like I thought.

I cleared my throat,trying not to blow my cover,"Yeah,I'm just excited to hear from you."

She laughed softly,"For some reason I don't believe you but I'll let it go. Anyways, I was just calling to see if you and your parents would mind if I came over for like,three days. My parents are going to Milan,and you know how much I hate going to Italy mid August,so I thought I could come stay with... my best friend. "

That little hesitation before best "friend" made me know that Alexis wasn't interested in coming to stay to hang out with her best friend; she was interested in coming to be near Adam.

But how could I say No to Alexis? There wasn't a single possible excuse I could tell her that she would believe, since both Peter and my Mom loved her. She would know something was definitely up if I told her she couldn't come.

"Uh,Yeah,I would love it if you came."I tried to say as cheerfully as possible.It's not that I didn't want to be with Alexis;it's that I didn't want Alexis near Adam.

Woah, I had to cool it. Being the possessive girlfriend was so not my style.

"Great! I'll be there tomorrow around noon."

"Perfect."I smiled into the phone. Maybe having Alexis over wouldn't be so bad. She was usually understanding. Maybe I could confess to her about Adam and me and she would give me amazing advice. Or maybe she would hate me for going out with the guy she liked and never talk to me again.

Maybe I would hold off telling Alexis about Adam and me a while longer.

I didn't tell Adam about Alexis coming until the next day, since he was exhausted the night before. He didn't seem to mind much.

"So your OK with this? "I asked,as we sat on the sofa,watching a soccer game and waiting for her to arrive.

He shrugged,"Yeah,why wouldn't I be? "He gave me a warm smile.

"I'm just making sure." I sat back into the sofa,feeling antsy for some reason. I just couldn't get rid the nasty gut feeling I got when I saw my mom and Peter lately. Peter could be talking to her,and my mom would have a slight look of annoyance on her face like she just wanted silence.

Maybe she was just having trouble with the cosmetic business. That's what I told myself every time,but it was getting harder and harder to believe.

Adam turned to look at me,and before I knew it,his lips were pressed against mine,his arms tight around me,just how I loved it.

When we pulled back,we were both out of breath and I said,"What was that for? "

He gave me that innocent little smile that always made my heart race,"That's for the next 2 night that we won't be able to be together."

I kissed his forehead,"I'm going to miss you."

Adam's face got suddenly got serious that moment,and he said "Serena?"

My heart started racing as I sat there in my confusion,"Yeah? "

His gaze met mine when he said,"I love you."

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