chapter 20

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I felt like I was on a cloud that night as I laid in Adam's arms that night in his bed. We had come down to his bedroom after kissing for about an hour straight on the hard piano bench. After we couldn't take our backs any longer,we came down to his bedroom and just lay there,talking for hours without running out of thing to talk about.

When the sun was beginning to rise,I sat up,knowing that we couldn't void this subject forever. I sat up and looked down at his face. We only had his table lamp on that lighted only a few of his perfect facial contours."Adam,what are we gonna do about...this?"

He sighed,also sitting up and facing me,"I have no idea.If it was for me,I would tell my dad and Lorena about us but...I'm kind of afraid of what their reaction will be."

I let out a deep breath. It was true. I doubted mom and Peter would be happy and comfortable about this. Not only that,I didn't even want to imagine what our friends would say about this. It as all ridiculous to me since Adam and I weren't even related but I didn't want chaos to break out about this news."I'm guessing our best option is to just keep this a secret."

Adam let out a deep breath angrily,"You're right but I hate how we have to do this! The thing I wanna do the most is show everyone that the world's most beautiful girl is my girlfriend!!"

I gave him a sheepish smile"Trust me,I don't want to do this either. But this would just cause too much drama and you know how much I hate drama." He nodded in agreement and I squeezed his hand reassuringly,"But this won't be like this forever."

He gave me a little smile,"Yeah,when we're 18 and leaving for college we can."

I nodded,getting excited about the idea of having a secret relationship with Adam."Yeah!And our rooms are right next to another so it's not like anything is keeping us apart."

His smile ways bigger now,"Yeah,you're right! I know there is no way our parents are getting divorced so nothing will keep us apart"

He pulled me into his arms and while I was in my own personal heaven,I knew Adam was right. I was almost positive that my mom's sixth marriage would be the one and that she wouldn't suddenly back out like she did in her past four marriages. This would be the one that would last. It had to be.

The next day,Adam and I had to get rid of the lovey-dovey grins we had on and replace them with the bored ones we usually carried so mom and Peter wouldn't suspect the amazing event that had occurred last night.

"Hope you kids didn't throw a wild party while we were gone."Peter joked lightly although his voice seemed strained which wasn't like him at all.

"Ha ha,very funny dad."Adam said sarcastically as he gave me a sweet little smile when they weren't looking.

I blushed and looked over at my mom,who had said more than"Hey kids"when she came in. And suddenly,I felt my gut tighten as I saw the familiar distant look I had seen previously. A look I saw only when my mother's marriage was close to its end.

"I'm going upstairs",my mom said in a bored tone. She walked up slowly,Peter's eyes on her the whole time.

When she was gone,Peter turned to look at us and gave us a reassuring smile,as to fool us that nothing was going on.

Adam believed it. But something deep down in me knew that the story of my mother's failed marriages,may repeat itself for the fifth time.

**************************************************************************************** Hey everyone!! I know this chapter was short and kinda boring but it was just a filler chapter that will lead to the climax of the story!!and if you saw any spelling mistakes im sorry!i wrote this from my new phone and in still getting used to it!!

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